chapter thirty four

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Uma's pov

After we leave the bridge that separates the Island from Auradon we go out to Auradon Prep, I walk next to Celia who seems to esteem Mal, behind me are Harry and Gil, instead Mal's group is on the opposite side, the garden is normal, the trees are full of leaves and the bushes of flowers, but people are asleep, others petrified, after a few seconds of silence Harry can be heard saying:
<I think I deserve these for my muscles, my courage and my presence on this mission.> We all turn to him taking money out of a boy's shirt.
Jay approaches Harry trying to intimidate him:
<Yes, when I crush you like a Hook gnat!> And he puts the money back in its place.
<Do you think you scare me Jay?!> Exclaims my boyfriend with a little madness in his voice, so, before they start fighting me and Mal we exclaim:
Then we spend another time in silence, to give up people's bodies, so I speak:
<While we're here, let's check out the school.>
<No.> I turn around and see Mal say:
<Audrey will be looking for Ben, so she will have gone straight to the castle and so will we.>
I don't want to take orders from that haughty little witch, so I nervously ask:
<Who says this?>
Mal approaches:
<Me, ok?>
<Girls do you think it is the case?  Let's go to the castle, come on> Evie intrudes, so we go to the castle.
When we get to the castle it's all normal, at least I think, I've never been there, Dude, Carlos's talking dog leads us, says he smells Ben, then Gil starts talking about the moose head that his father treats hanging in the living room, but my attention is on some scratches on the wall and a picture cut in half, so I have everyone stop, but Dude says he smells the future King nearby.
After a while we enter a large hall, full of armor and swords, then Mal begins to speak:
<Who knows what fried octopus tastes like, huh Uma?>
<Girls can you stop this for a few seconds?> Evie intervenes as usual, so I reply imitating the girl with the blue hair:
<"We accept our differences.">
then Harry speaks:
<Girls ... that armor challenges us>
But I interrupt him:
<Let's split up and find Audrey>
<She'll lock you with a spell if you don't give me that stone right away> says Mal.
<Girls!  I think there is a more important question to resolve!> Harry yells, we turn to him and see that the armor starts to move, then one says, in Audrey's voice:
<Are you looking for a Prince Mal?  Is a knight in armor okay?  Or more than one?>
We start to fight all together, initially Mal tells everyone to follow her, except me, who orders me to go to another side of the room, it doesn't surprise me: by now I'm used to her spite, and she to mine.
When we were fighting, at a certain point I no longer see Mal, I look around and find her on the ground with two armor attacking her, then I run towards her and fight to "save her", after a few more minutes of fighting the guards will they stop in front of me and Mal, we perform them together with the swords and then she casts a spell so we knock out all the armor.
We begin to cheer: Gil is heard saying:
<Yeah, we laid old irons on you eh?> Then he hugs Cqrlos and Harry and Jay do the same, I yell at Mal:
<We did it!>
She screams at the same time:
<So you do it!>
while we are giving each other high fives we realize that we are enemies, so we walk away making faces, the same thing goes for the boys who join their groups to celebrate.
Harry and Gil approach me, I take my boyfriend's hook and enthusiastically squeeze him in my hand, then I bang my fist with Gil, the moment is "ruined" by Evie:
<No guys ... we made it!  We fought together as a team!  Dai Mal di lei> touch Mal's wrist to make her clap with mine
<Uma ..> she does the same to me, but we stand still, then Evie's eyes light up:
<It takes something to break the ice ...> I see the amused faces of her friends, I turn to Harry to see s summer and understand what that girl is up to, but he looks at me the same way.
<So: everyone tell the other something they like about him, I'll start.>
I look around, hoping Audrey will come and kill Evie, okay, kidding maybe.
<Harry.  You have a beautiful voice> WHAT?  HOW DOES YOU GIVE HARRY A COMPLIMENT ?!  TO MY HARRY ?!
<Ok, is she always so exuberant?> I intervene angry.
<Evie ...> Mal calls her
<I love you.>
<And I want you>
<But now we have no time to waste, Audrey could be anywhere and we have to look for her.>
Finally Evie is quiet a little and I speak:
<So this cheerleader where is she sleeping?  Even if she is not there, the clues will not be lacking.>
<Still in the dorm, he's here for summer school> Evie replies.
<Summer courses ?!  Hahahahahah and then you wonder why she ever wants revenge?  Hahahahah>
<Okay, guys, I need you to find Ben.  See you at Evie's .. in 2 hours, okay?> Mal intervenes.
<So are we following my plan?> I say, more as a statement than a question.
<It was obvious as a plan.> Mal retorts.
<Uma said it before.> Gil says innocently
<That's my plan> I answer my friend.
<As you wish> Mal snorts and starts to leave, I imitate her and walk up to Harry so as to walk close.

Author note

How are you?
Sorry if I haven't posted much these days, I'll try to update as much as possible.
If you liked the chapter, please leave a comment and a star.

Gaia <3

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