Chapter seventeen

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Mal's pov
This morning, before going to class, I went to the Fairy Godmother to tell her that Uma wanted my father's map, so that she expels her from the school because it is "dangerous", when, towards the end of the first lesson, Uma is summoned by the principal  I'm really happy, he doesn't even come in the next lessons and I think my plan went well!
When all the lessons are over I go to the room with Evie, once we open the door we realize that the room was empty, I laugh, but my friend doesn't seem amused at all:
<Mal why did you go to tell the Fairy Godmother everything?  Couldn't you just leave her alone?  Look, I love you, you are my dearest friend, but please, she leaves Uma alone, she hasn't done you anything wrong>
Evie says very worried, I look at her angry, because she loves Uma ?!  Why does she always defend her ?!
Evie, as if reading my thoughts, says:
<I'm not friends with Uma, but I don't think it's right to behave like this, that's all "she smiles at me and exits.

Uma's pov
When all the lessons are over I go to find Harry, I pass through the corridors and find him trying with a girl, I have a strange feeling, I am angry and disappointed, I run out, I go to the enchanted lake and I sit on its shore.
After a few minutes I start crying, I have never cried, (apart from when Mal started teasing me) I hate feeling weak, I don't like to show my feelings.
At a certain point I hear someone sitting next to me, I turn around, wiping my face with my sleeve, Evie was next to me, she puts her arm on my shoulder and I walk away immediately, I get up and say:
<If you came here to tease me and tell your little friend everything, please leave.>
<Uma, believe me, I don't know what the Fairy Godmother told you but if you've been expelled I'm so sorry> Evie returns sadly.
<Do you think I really care if I get expelled from a stupid school of princesses?  You know, homework and school are not my main problem when I learn who my father is and who is dead!> I scream at her, without even realizing that I was crying again, I run away, when I meet Harry and Gil who are  they wanted to talk I didn't stop, on the contrary, I walked even faster, in the end I went into the woods and started crying, without having to be "afraid" that someone might see me.

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