Chapter nine

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Uma's pov

I wake up with a severe headache, I don't remember very well what happened last night, I get up and go to get dressed.
When I'm ready there is a knock on the door, Evie opens it, as neither Mal nor I intend to, and two identical girls enter accompanied by the Fairy Godmother, who says:
<Good morning girls!  They are your new roommates, unfortunately they could not arrive earlier due to commitments, I hope you get along.  Now I have to go, if you need help just ask me.  Hello!>
The Fairy Godmother comes out of the room and leaves us alone with the new arrivals, I still have a headache, which makes me nervous, and the fact that I have to share a room with two other nasty girls makes me even more angry, so I try  to go out to go to Harry and Gil, but one of the two girls speaks:
<Hey!  Nice to meet you, my name is Jennifer, but you can also call me Jen.  We are Rapunzel's daughters, she is Carly.>
She points to her sister, who greets us shyly, I quickly reply:
<Ok .... hello>
I hurry out of the room before they could say anything else and go to my first mate and my right arm.
I knock on the door and Jay opens:
<What do you want?>
I ignore him and call Harry and Gil, trying to get into their room as much as possible, but it's really difficult: Jay takes up most of the door, as he's very big and muscular.
After a few moments, Harry arrives and explains that Gil had already left because he was so hungry, so we go to the cafeteria just the two of us and talk for a while.
When we get to the canteen we find Gil eating 3 hard-boiled eggs and some bacon, he greets us and we sit next to him for breakfast.

Mal's pov

This morning our roommates arrived, they are Rapunzel's daughters, twins, they are too polite for my taste, Evie likes them instead, she says it will do us good to be in the room with two kind and polite people, she hopes we become like  she, i disagree, i like to be bad.
When I go to breakfast I meet Ben, he greets me and sits next to me, luckily he doesn't put in the middle the argument of being his girlfriend, I don't know if I want to, I can't understand if I'm in love, initially it was all one  false, but I think I feel something for him now, the problem is that I don't know if it's love or affection.
After breakfast I have to take a "course for the recovery of goodness", a "matter", always if you can call it that, it doesn't exist more boring and useless, they ask us questions that we can answer using three options given, usually me and Uma  we compete, even if I don't think it's a good thing to win, since we should be bad and not do well in school, anyway Uma and I always compete, even on who is most sick, it's fun to win, especially against her.

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