chapyer twenty four

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Uma's pov

I wake up and lie down for a few seconds trying to understand where I am, I look around and I realize that I am in my room, on the Island, I start to get up but the sight of the blood on my chest and on my arm blocks me.
I look at the two wounds and remember what happened with my mother, I get up and take a cloth that I soak with water, I gently put the wet cloth on the wounds that start to burn, once the blood no longer came out I decided to  go out.
I go to the Vudoo Games Room of Doctor Facilier, Celia's father, before going to Auradon he was often with me, he is very sweet and I consider her a sister.
As soon as I arrive Celia runs up to me and holds me in a hug, I immediately detach myself from the pain of the wound:
<Hey!  Oh, sorry, but she hurts me> I say, she smiles:
<How are you?  What was Auradon like?  Why did you come back?  Sure I'm happy you're here now, but why aren't you staying in Auradon?  I missed you so much!>
<Slowly, one question at a time> I reply laughing <I'm quite fine, Auradon was beautiful and I came back because ... uh ... I had some problems and I wanted to go back> Celia understands that I don't want to talk about it, so she changes the subject  :
<How about if I read you the future?> Says the enthusiastic girl, I nod with a smile.
We spend a few hours together, until I decide to go back to my room, once I arrive I sit on my little bed where I find a box full of old objects: I had forgotten it, since I formed my crew I no longer slept in the room but in the  cabin on the ship.
I open the box and find old magic books, shells like the one I wear around my neck, potions, but my attention rests on a photo, it portrays me and Mal smiling, we were tight in a big embrace, that day, I remember, I had spoken for the  first time in Mal about the difficult relationship between me and my mother and she had told me about her father, we promised to always be there for each other.  As I think of Mal a tear falls on my face and I remember that I am on the Island: I CANNOT CRY.
I quickly wipe my face and place the photo in the box, lie down on the bed and soon fall asleep.

Harry's pov

I can't wait for Evie for Mal's help, I urgently need to see Uma, I can also stay on the Island, but I have to be with my captain.
I quickly walk into Mal, Evie and the other two girls' room, open the door and walk up to the purple-haired girl:
<Mal, I have to talk to you, follow me.> I whisper in her ear, she makes a curious face and follows me, let's go to the canteen, at this empty hour, we sit at a table and start talking:
<Mal, Uma is back on the Island and Gil and I have to go to her, but we have no way to cross the barrier, you have to help us.  If you lend us your spellbook we can go to her and, I swear we will then return her diary to you immediately>
Mal thinks about it for a few seconds, then speaks:
<All right, you will do the spell with my diary and before leaving you will have to return it to me.>
I smiled and went to tell Gil about the plan.

Author note

Hey, how are you?
Sorry if I haven't updated but I couldn't, I hope you are enjoying the story.
Ps.  My best friend downloaded wattpad, go and follow it, it's called 2009Malgai <33

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