chapter thirty two

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Mal's pov

Today the boys from the Island arrive, me and Ben, now engaged, we arrive outside the Auradon Prep, they make us stop on some kind of stage and then Ben starts singing:

<I met this girl that rocked my world like it's never been rocked and now I'm living just for her and I wan't ever stop I never tought that if could happen to a guy like me but now look at what you've done you got me down on my knee
<Mal, do you want to be my queen?  Do you want to marry me?>
I am so excited, I can barely say yes, now with tears in my eyes.
We share a sweet kiss and then I celebrate a bit with Evie, Jay and Carlos, then Audrey comes to talk to me:
<Hey, congratulations!  You won him loyally, ah no, you cast a spell on him to rule the world .. what a story to tell her children huh?> I don't know what to answer, so I say:
<You reminded me that there are some guys waiting for us, so if you want to excuse me ..> and I'm going to welcome the new arrivals.
I spend the day, with Jay, Carlos, Evie and Ben, giving the twins and Dizzy a tour of the school, instead Celia is with Uma, Harry and Gil, I don't know if I can trust them, after all they have never changed completely, so I ask Jane if she can watch them from a distance, to make sure nothing happens.

The day after...

I am at the castle to have a "reunion" with the Fairy Smemorina, Belle, Adam and Ben, we are talking about our wedding when my boyfriend walks away looking at his cell phone, then comes back to us and says with a worried air:
<Someone has stolen Maleficent's crown and scepter>
King Adam immediately accuses:
<It was definitely Uma or the new VKs.>
Ben replies agitatedly:
<This we do not know father.>
Then Belle intervenes:
<What do you propose Mal do?>
<I think for the moment it is better to close the barrier, if we go to the Island and return to Auradon so frequently we are more exposed to danger, until this problem is solved I think we are safe by closing the barrier>
I don't want to close it, but I think we are even more exposed to danger if we go to and from the island so often.

Author note

Hey, how are you?
Today I will publish another chapter, I hope you enjoy the story.
Yesterday I posted a new story about Uma and Mal, as friends not as a couple, and I'm writing it with 2009Malgai, please go read it and tell me what you think.

Gaia <3

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