chapter thirty nine

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Uma's pov

The days pass slowly on the Island, I am all the time on my ship, sometimes I also go to the Black Pearl, to be alone for a while, or I stay in my cabin drinking, I haven't been so drunk for quite a while. time, but after what happened it's hard for me to stay sober;  I don't often talk to Harry after what happened last night, I love him, I want to be with him, I want to have him marry him, have a family with him, wheel him into a wheelchair when he's old and if anything, scatter his ashes, but not I can, I can't because we are locked up on this island where we can't show feelings, where we have to be bad and ruthless, cruel and evil, where you are excluded and made fun of by everyone if you show affection to someone, where you can't trust anyone because sooner or later he will betray you.
I need Harry.
I run to Captain Hook's house, Harry also lives there together with his two sisters -Harriet and CJ-, and I knock on the small wooden door, covered by graffiti and with a broken window, after a few seconds Captain Hook comes out, I greet him :
<Hello, is Harry here?>
<Hey Uma!  How long have we not seen each other!  Harry is not here now, but I think he will be back shortly, he went to the market with CJ and Harriet, if you want you can wait for him here.> Killian answers softly (author note: Killian is the real name of Captain Hook in the "Once upon a time" series so I decided to call him that).
<Oh, yes, thank you> I say entering the small house, the walls are made of wood, like the floor, in the center of a room there is a carpet and a small sofa where I sit, there is some mirror hanging on the walls and furniture in the corner of the room.
Killian exits, saying he has to go on the Jolly Roger, so I stay alone at Harry's house to wait for him.
After half an hour I hear the door open, I jump up and go towards the entrance, I see Harry looking at me in surprise:
<Hi, Harry, I was supposed to talk to you, but when I arrived you weren't there, so your father told me to wait for you.> I say justifying myself.
CJ and Harriet leave us alone, Harry and I sit on the small sofa, then he speaks:
<So?  What is it?>
<I ... listen Harry, it can't go on like this, we have to help each other, I know you're having a hard time with what happened to Auradon too, and I feel bad too, but you know what makes me sick again Moreover?  Having had to leave you, because Harry, I love you, I have loved you since I was 9, and I can't leave you alone because we are on the Island.> I answer without even thinking about what to say, I see his expression, it seems to make him happy. what I'm saying.
<So the situation is quite difficult, but if we are careful not to show others what is between us maybe we could have a happy ending, what do you think?  I scrambled, right?> I finally ask embarrassed.
Harry laughs, then speaks:
<I love you too, I really love you very much, I would do anything to be with you, so yeah, it's okay not to make our relationship public>
I'm really happy, I can't help myself, so I approach him and kiss him, I don't think he expected it, but he reciprocates anyway, after a while we go to the ship together.

Author note

Hey, how's it going?
Sorry for the absence, but I was in Rome and I didn't have much free time to write, new chapters will surely arrive these days.

-Gaia <3

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