chapter twenty one

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Mal's pov

This morning I wake up very nervous, I get out of bed and go straight to get dressed, once I'm ready, I wake up abruptly.  When she finally wakes up she gets ready and we go to the boys and then we have breakfast.
I see Ben greeting me, we are now engaged, but I don't return the greeting, so he comes to me and says:
<Hey Mal, how are you?>
He hugs me but I stay still and start talking:
<As always, am I well enough, you?>
<Oh, I'm fine, how about we go to class together?>
<Look, today is not the day okay?  It's my birthday and you don't know how much I hate this day, sorry> he greets me a little disappointed, but understanding and he goes to class.
I stay talking for a few minutes with Evie, Carlos and Jay, when the latter two leave Evie starts to wish me well and talk about the fact that we should organize a party.  I don't listen to much of what she says, I hate my birthday and that feeling won't change.  Once Evie finishes talking, I tell her that it's all in vain and that for me today is a day like any other;  we go together in the classroom and I notice that Uma is absent again!  At least one good thing happens on my birthday.
I sit next to my blue-haired friend and the teacher starts talking.

Uma's pov

Last night I couldn't sleep, so I decided to go to the Black Pearl and then I thought: why not bring some rum with me too?
So, taking 2/3 bottles of rum with me, I set off for my ship.
When I arrive I sit on the floor and start drinking, after a few minutes I had already finished a bottle.  Then I don't remember what happened, but I know I woke up on the Black Pearl next to 3 empty rum bottles.
I jumped up and immediately felt a severe headache, I run to the Auradon Prep and go to my room, I fix my hair and get ready, I look at the clock hanging on the wall, it strikes 10:30.  Considering that classes start at 8 I don't think I'm in very good shape.
I run close to the classroom and enter.
There was Professor Deley, he is really understanding and nice but I don't think if I tell him that I got drunk and fell asleep on my ship he understands me.
When I enter everyone stares at me, the professor says:
<Good morning!  I see that you are a little late> points to the clock: it is 10:40 am, I am 40 minutes late from the start of this lesson.
<Um ... I had some problems and I couldn't get there sooner.> I reply, trying to be as safe as possible, even if the professor doesn't seem to believe it very much.
<When the lesson ends don't leave, I have to talk to you.  Now sit down.> Says Deley.  I do as he told me and, when the lesson is over, I stay in the classroom.
I get up and go to the teacher's desk:
<What did he want to tell me?> I ask as kindly as possible.
<How were you ever late?  I want to know the truth.> He says.
I look around and I understand that if I would have lied to him he would have noticed, so I start talking:
<Last night I couldn't sleep, so I went to the ship that my father left me and after a while I fell asleep, when I woke up it was 10, I went back to school as soon as possible and here I am.>
Okay, maybe I left out the part where I got drunk, but it's just small insignificant details, aren't they?
<Okay, I belive you, but it doesn't have to happen anymore, for now I'll just put the delay, if it happens again you will touch a note, ok?> Deley answers, I nod and leave the classroom.
I head to the canteen, I need a glass of water, my head still hurts when I remember what day it is today.
On Mal's birthday, she and I would usually go to my mom's place, offer her free food, and spend the day together, playing pranks and going to Dr. Facilier's voodoo game room.
When she started teasing me that day it became hell for me (like every other day anyway).  Mal always came to my mother's place, where I worked all day by now, since I didn't want to be seen around, then she started making fun of me in front of everyone and asking me to bring her some food (usually shrimp) and when  he went unpaid or threw something on the ground.
When these episodes happened my mother usually got very angry, she beat me, I still have the marks of her tentacles on my skin, Mal knew what would happen if my mother got angry, when we were friends I would let off steam with her or find me somewhere  near the chip shop with a broken arm or black eye.
My thoughts are interrupted by Harry's voice:
<Hey Uma!  Why did you come at 11?  Did something happen?>
I answer:
<No, nothing, I got drunk and asleep on my ship last night, nothing to worry about.>
I go to the last few classes and then spend the day with Harry and Gil on the Black Pearl.

Author note

How are you?
I hope you enjoyed this chapter, tomorrow or tonight I will publish the continuation.

Gaia <3

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