Chapter thirteen

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Mal's pov

Finally the weekend has arrived, I can rest and I don't have to wake up early!  Although I have yet to finish the essay, I am going to write that I am a VK, daughter of Maleficent, the most evil of all villains, that I have always lived on the Island and that I have been mean to most people, but I  I am also made of friends, I will also write that I am now in Auradon and that I hate almost everyone.
It will be short, I don't want to try too hard, I'll do it after lunch and then I'll study some spells from my diary.
Yesterday, strangely, Uma didn't come to dinner and when we got back from the canteen she was already sleeping, it's strange, but at least I didn't have her around!
Evie, on the other hand, was worried, because Uma hadn't really been in the room and when she was with us she was quieter than usual, she didn't insult me ​​even once, so last night he brought her a hamburger, but since she was asleep I ate it  I.

Uma's pov

Today I woke up early, now I'm used to it, even on the island I used to do it, I always had to go to my mother's shop;  once dressed, I reread my father's letter, by now I have read it a hundred times, I have no idea who it may be, but I have a plan: there is a map that shows you where the person you want to find is,  I could take it and find it, there is only one problem ... this map is from Mal, that is, it is from Hades, but since he is his father now it is his.
I don't think I can steal it, I don't even know if he keeps it here or if he left it on the island, otherwise I could borrow it from him, but he would never give it to me ... I don't know what to do, should I try to ask him?  Should I try to steal it?
I leave the room, it's 7 in the morning and I knock on the boys' door, they can't hear me so I knock even louder, after a few seconds Harry opens, I enter and suddenly wake up to Gil too, in the meantime Carlos and Jay wake up too, this one  last he says, throwing a pillow at me:
Why do you always have to stay here?  I was sleeping!>
I reply, throwing the pillow back:
<I'm not here for you!  Nobody told you to wake up and if you don't want me in this room, I don't care, I have to talk to Harry and Gil and I can't care less about you, so go back to sleep.>
I sit on Harry's bed and wait for him and Gil to get dressed, once we're ready we go to a classroom and start talking, I ask him what they think I should do and Harry says it would be better to steal the map from her, but since I don't know  even if he brought her here, I have to ask him, Gil instead says it's always better to ask and be kind: Auradon is driving him dumber than he already was.
I go back to my room around lunchtime, as soon as I enter Evie she starts asking me so many questions about where I was yesterday and why I didn't go to dinner, and she says I had to warn them, I find her really unbearable, I hate her and I'm not friends with  no one staying in this room, I don't understand why I should have warned them;  I ignore Evie and call Mal, I start talking to her in a fairly low voice:
<Look, I have to ask you a favor> She makes a stupid face and I continue:
<I'll go straight to the point: I need the map your father gave you, the one to find people.>
Mal replies:
<And tell me, who are you looking for?>
<None of your business Mal, can you give me this map?>
I say nervous.
<Then it will mean that I will not give you the map ...>
She replies very pleased, so I have to tell her that I want to find my father, as soon as I finish speaking Mal says that he did not have the map with him and that even if he had it he would never have given it to me, how much I hate it!

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