chapter fourty

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Mal's pov

Today is the big day: she will become Queen of Auradon.
I am in my room, with Evie, who is fixing my dress and makeup.  Now everything is back to normal: Audrey is good, she is back with Chad, the world is no longer in danger and all the AKs are awake.
As I talk to Evie about how excited she is I realize that she is oer and that I have to go to Ben.
I greet Evie, who is heading out to the castle, but I go to the "balcony" where Ben will give a speech and I will be crowned.
When I arrive the people applaud, then Ben speaks:
<Thank you for joining us to celebrate our engagement.  I'm really happy, can't wait to call you "My Queen".  And now let's raise the glasses to the future Queen of Auradon.> Everyone says in chorus:
<To the future Queen of Auradon>
Then there is a moment of silence, I should speak, but only now I realize that all this is not right:
<I can't.  I can't be the Queen of Auradon> I say to Ben, he looks at me and whispers my name, I turn to him:
<I cannot leave the Island.> Then I turn to the people:
<We have decided to close the barrier forever.  And it was my idea, but it's a mistake.  I learned that you cannot live in fear, because it does not save us, it does not protect us from anything.  We do not know where evil will come from and we do not even know where the heroes can come from: without Uma and her pirates Auradon would have disappeared, and without Hades, who is my father, Audrey would not be here.  There is good and evil in each of us, no matter which side of the barrier we come from.  And that's why I can't be Queen of Auradon, I have to be Queen of the Island too.  All or nothing.  And I think it's time to eliminate that barrier once and for all.> I finally say to Ben, he smiles:
<You can't.> King Adam opposes, but Ben says firmly:
<It is no longer up to you to decide.  I want to be a King who looks ahead, it's time to forgive, it's time for a new beginning.  The barrier will be eliminated!> I don't believe it, finally the VK will be free, I'm really happy.
Evie, Jay and Carlos come up to me and together we recite a spell with the wand: the barrier is removed.

Uma's pov

Today I will tell the VKs that there will never be a way out of this prison and I will explain what happened in Auradon, all this hurts really bad, there are so many boys and girls who have done nothing wrong and who do not deserve to be here .
I put on the dress I wore on the first date I had with Harry and see, along with him, Celia and Gil, explaining everything.  When I am about to speak, however, I am interrupted by a loud noise, we all turn to where it comes from and we realize that the barrier has disappeared, the clouds on the Island are gone and the Sun is visible, the bridge that connects the Island in Auradon is there and we can see some AKs approaching, I can't believe it, I immediately hug Harry and Celia and we go to the AKs to better understand what is happening.
When we get to the edge of the island we cross the bridge, we are followed by all the people, me, Harry, Gil and Celia are ahead of everyone.
We meet with the AKs - we can spot Mal, Evie, Jay, Carlos, Ben, Dizzy and the twins - all bowing in front of us, as if to say "welcome to Auradon", we all run to the Kingdom and start celebrating all together , as one people.
After a while I go next to Evie and we dance together, then Doug and Harry join us too, the latter says, pointing to Mal:
<Are we sure she is engaged?>
<Sure> Evie laughs, then Doug intervenes:
<Evie is too.>
<Harry.> I call him:
<What's my name?>
<Uma ...> starts to kiss me, but I walk away pretending to be angry for asking if Mal was engaged, he stays still, instead Evie and Doug go dancing.
I run to Celia and Dizzy, we start talking and I hug them in a strong hug.
I am really happy, I can finally have the life I have always wanted, without having to be mean and cruel, without having to pretend not to pulmonary emotions, being myself.
When the celebrations are over, I go to find Harry, find him in a castle room where most of the VKs are, he's lying on a red sofa, go to him and lie in his arms, kiss him on the lips, without being afraid that someone would see us, and I start playing with his black hair, we stay like that for a few minutes, then I fall asleep and he continues to cuddle me, I really love him very much.

Author note

Hi, how are you?
From now on the story will be on pause, I will continue it as soon as Descendants the royal wedding comes out, but IT IS NOT ON PAUSE FOREVER, only for these 5/6 days.

- Gaia <3

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