chapter twenty

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Uma's pov

I get up immediately and run into the boys' room, open the door without even knocking and find Carlos talking to Dude (?), Jay bragging to Harry about his muscles and Gil saying Harry is stronger  Jay but who loves the hair of the latter;  are these really their problems?  Ok ...

As soon as they notice my presence they stare at me and for a moment, really embarrassing, I forget why I entered.

<Harry, Gil come with me> I say embarrassed, the two boys follow me and Carlos and Jay exchange curious glances.

I take my friends to the enchanted lake and speak:

<I figured out how to get the Black Pearl back to normal!  Jack Sparrow just threw it in the water, it's very easy> so saying I throw the bottle containing the ship into the lake and after a few seconds it became gigantic.  I jump for joy, Haary smiles and Gil jumps up clapping his hands.

I'm running on my new ship, it's beautiful!  It has big black sails and is otherwise a normal ship, only black, but to me it is still fantastic: it was from my father and, apart from the letter, it is the only thing I have left of him.

I get Harry and Gil up too and we take the Black Pearl farther from the school, close to a port and, in order not to be stolen by anyone, I inflict a blood spell on it so that only I can guide it.  After an hour that we have been to admire it, we return to our rooms.
The next day I wake up happy enough, go to Harry and Gil and then to class.  When the lessons are over I immediately run to my ship, I love her, she is beautiful.
I spend most of the time in there, I was watching the rudder and pretending to drive the ship (I can't escape from school, they would send me back to the island), when I hear footsteps, so I ask:
<Harry is that you?>
After a few seconds of silence I can see Evie, she greets me and says:
<What a beautiful boat>
<It's a ship and I know it's beautiful.  What are you doing here?> I answer cold.
<I just wanted to talk a little>
<Listen, even if last time I let off steam with you, it doesn't mean we're friends, on the contrary, nothing has changed for me, I hate you like I hated you before, ok?  Now get off my ship.> I answer.
The blue-haired girl leaves, I really wish I could be a little nicer or have some friends, but I can't trust anyone after what Mal did to me.  I don't even trust Harry and Gil, I only stay with them because I know I can count on them when I need them because they are my first officer and my right hand, but I never expect words of comfort or that they will.  let them vent with me.

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