cahpter nineteen

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Uma's pov

I wake up around 6:50 am, I'm not used to sleeping late, since on the island I had to get up at dawn to go to work.  I've decided I'm going to school today, I don't want to make Mal understand that I'm sick.  I get ready quickly and, without making any noise so as not to wake up my roommates, I go out and head towards the boys' dormitory.
I start knocking violently on the door and screaming:

<Guys !!  Wake up!>

After a few minutes the door opens and Harry comes out still with his eyes a little closed, I say goodbye and I reciprocate, he goes out of the room and closes the door, so that we are out in their dorm.

<Why did you come so early?> Asks Harry yawning.

<I woke up and didn't know what to do, so here I am!  Go get ready I'm hungry, let's go eat something.  Oh, while you're at it, take Gil with you too> he nods and goes into the room, gestures for me to come in and I sit on his bed, the only one free of him.

After about half an hour Harry and Gil are ready, so we go out and go to the cafeteria, which is empty by now.

Let's talk about this and that, my first officer and my right-hand man don't dare to introduce the subject "Davy Jones is my father and he is dead" and I am grateful to him, I need to not think about it and to relax.

When people start to arrive, we have coffee and biscuits, as soon as we finish eating we go to the classroom, the first hour we have Professor Deley, I have not yet done the essay and I'm sure he will be angry.

As soon as we enter the classroom the professor greets us cheerfully and I, Harry and Gil start talking, and the latter says:

<Uma, I almost forgot!  how are you about your father's story?>

Harry glares at him and I reply:

<Oh, well, let's just say I've been better, okay?>

Luckily the other students arrive and the professor starts explaining, so Gil can no longer ask me questions that are uncomfortable enough.

<Please Miss Uma to go to the principal's office>

I get up "scared" and go to the principal's office, before leaving the classroom I look at Harry and Gil, Harry signals me to go and be quiet, Gil instead does not change his expression, smiles and greets me with his hand.
When I enter the office of the Fairy Smemorina she greets me, she is more cheerful than last time and she says:
<Hi Uma, it won't take long, last time I forgot to give you something>
She gets up from the chair where she was sitting and goes to a piece of furniture, opens it and takes a box which she places on the desk.
She opens the box and says:
<Here.  It belonged to your father, now it belongs to you.> She smiles, handing me a small glass bottle with the Black Pearl inside, the most beautiful and most feared ship of all time!  I'm over the moon, I can't believe I now have a new, beautiful ship!
<Okay, thanks> I reply, almost whispering the last word;  I take the bottle and head back to the classroom, unfortunately there is still Professor Deley who says:
<Uma, about you, I know what happened these days I don't find it necessary to do that theme ok?>
I nod and sit down.
As soon as the hour ends I immediately go to Harry and Gil and show him the ship, Harry points out a small problem though:
<It's great!  But how are you going to use it?> He says
<I ... um ... look, I had it an hour ago, I'll find a way to get it back to its normal size.  After all, if Jack Sparrow succeeded, I can do it too, right?>
When I finish classes I spend all my time looking at my ship and Mal, Jen and Carly say:
<Are you playing ?!  HAHAHAHAH>
Mal starts laughing and with her also the two princiepssine, I ignore them and keep thinking of a way to make her go back to normal, when then it occurs to me that it is very easy and that I can make her go back as before
even now!

  After all, if Jack Sparrow succeeded, I can do it too, right?> When I finish classes I spend all my time looking at my ship and Mal, Jen and Carly say: <Are you playing ?!  HAHAHAHAH> Mal starts laughing and with her also the two princiepssine, ...

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