chapter twenty five

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Mal's pov

I'm in my room when Harry walks in and whispers in my ear:
<Mal, I have to talk to you, follow me.>
I look at him curiously and we head for the canteen, he tells me that Uma has gone to the Island and that he and Gil want to go to her, he asks me for my diary and I explain to him that they will do the spell before leaving for the Island and then they'll give me the diary back, he nods and we're off.
When I get back to the room Evie asks me what Harry wanted and I explain everything, then she speaks:
We can't let them rot in that prison.  Look, I know you hate her, but that would be really cruel>
I look at it for a few seconds, then I say:
<And I'm cruel.  My mom wouldn't want me to help her, especially after what she did to me, Evie.>
<But your mother is not here and she is up to you to decide what to do> she gives a big smile and leaves the room, I lie on the bed to think.

The next morning

I wake up and the first thing I think about is what she told me yesterday Evie, maybe she's right, maybe I don't want to be like my mom, maybe I just want to get together with Ben and make new friends.
Once ready I go to Evie and tell her we will bring Uma back here.  I head to the boys' room and I also warn Harry and Gil, we think we will use the car they took us to Auradon to pick her up, we could get to the Island by casting a spell on the limo and returning using the remote control that opens the barrier .
Hopefully it works.

Author note

Oi oii
How are you?
Sorry if I haven't updated, but the school is killing me, I will try to write the next chapter over the weekend, I hope you enjoyed this.

Gaia <3

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