Chapter fifteen

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Mal's pov

Yesterday for us VK was a normal day, indeed, perhaps it was one of the worst days, at least for me, it reminded me that everyone has a beautiful perfect life, instead I lived for 16 long years on the island, my mother  she does nothing but give me orders, my father abandoned me when I was born and I have never received a word of comfort from anyone, except Evie of course, she is like a sister to me.
Putting these thoughts aside, I get out of bed, go to the bathroom to get dressed, and then head to the cafeteria with Evie, waiting for Carlos and Jay to join us.
When I tell him that Uma wanted my father's map to look for her, I also tell him a fantastic plan to have her sent back to the Island and finally get her off my feet.
Evie says to leave her alone, try to make friends with her again, instead Jay agrees with me and seems very happy to help me, Carlos, but agrees with Evie, says she didn't hurt me in the end  and that if only I apologized we could go back as before;  I don't think about it for a second and put my plan into action, I don't want to go back to being friends with Uma, I'm not even sure she would ever accept my apologies.

Uma's pov

Yesterday was a really boring day, there was a lot of confusion and I couldn't find a quiet place where I could be a little on my own to think.
I get out of bed and get ready, it was immediately 9:00 so I ran straight to class and I couldn't even eat anything.
At the first hour we had Professor Deley, I had just forgotten about the assignment!  He made everyone read it except us VK, he said that, only if we felt it we had to read it, if we didn't we had to give it to him and he would read it himself and then he would give it back to us,  he said he would do that because he understood that it was difficult for us to open up to strangers.
When I told him I hadn't done it, he got a little angry, but before he could start scolding me, from the loudspeakers, placed in the corners of each classroom wall, you can hear the Fairy Godmother calling me into his office;  Professor Deley makes me go to the principal's office and as I leave the classroom I see Mal smiling at me very satisfied, at that point I understand that the Fairy Godmother will not say anything good to me.
As soon as I enter her office, the principal greets me with a rather sad smile, I sit down and ask her why she has summoned me, she says softly:
<I learned that you are looking for your father Uma.  I also heard that you wanted the map of Hades to track him down, so before you can do anything dangerous to find him, I'll tell you who he is, ok?>
I don't know what to say, in this moment I feel a thousand emotions, how could Mal reveal my secret to the Fairy Godmother ?!  However, at least she won't punish me, but it's not fair that she knows who my father is and I don't!  I don't say anything, if I open my mouth I might regret what I do, so I let her talk:
<Your father was one of the most feared pirates, surely you know him by name and you already know his story>
He pauses briefly and I dwell on that "ERA", <so he died> I think to myself, I am destroyed, from one day to the next a letter from my father falls into my hands and after a short time they tell me  who is dead!
The Fairy Godmother continues:
<Your father is Davy Jones ... I don't know if you know his story ... if you want to rest a little you can also not go to the next lessons, surely you will be having a bad time and know that if you want to talk about it with someone you can also come  here.>
He concludes by giving me a sad look, as if he understood what I was feeling, as if he really wanted to help me, before my emotions could take control of me, I say, trying to be as cold and bad as possible:
<Can I go now?>
The principal lets me out and I immediately go to Harry and Gil, who, having finished the first hour, were having breakfast.

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