Period Cramps

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P.S - I'm again naming the female character Kainaat. If you want someone else's name, then do give me some suggestions.

Also, it is not connected to the story Beyhadh. It's an extra one-shot.

Menstruation days.

Kainaat hated those five to seven days. Due to her degrading health and PCOS problems, her period dates were never regular, and whenever they would finally start she would always have to go through immense pain and cramps. 

Although, Aryan was super elated as Kainaat finally agreed to spend a long weekend with him and even allowed him to stay with her. The Khan family had gone to attend some destination wedding of a family friend in Jaipur and Aryan Khan being himself, decided to stay away from the limelight and unwanted attention. He loved staying and spending time with his would-to-be wife in her cozy apartment. He loved her small cozy apartment, which she herself decorated. Every little corner and surprisingly it was not ever crowded with reporters and media personalities. Moreover, the place provided him a sense of calm and homey feeling. Furthermore, the place smelled just like her!

Well, the week before the long weekend was Hectic.

Kainaat then woke up around 6 a.m. on a Saturday morning feeling immense pain in her lower abdomen. She realized that she was bleeding through her sleeping shorts and it was the time for her Menstrual Cycle, finally after three months. Although, every time her pain would still be bearable, however, this time may be due to the hectic week and case pressures it took a huge toll on her health. 

She then got up cleaned herself and changed her shorts. Sitting down back on the bed, she felt a strong hand around her waist. She looked aside to see her adorable fiancé sleeping and snuggled into her as soon as their skin came into contact. He looked peaceful and relaxed.

Kainaat then carefully removed his hand and went to freshen up and take a long warm shower. She then checked and saw that she had the sanitary napkins for two more days but desperately needed to buy more and some pain killers as well. Therefore, she took her long warm shower and rinsed her body and scalp. Henceforth, came out of the bathroom wearing a white loose crop top and her favorite grey sweatpants. 

" You took a shower this early in the morning? That too on a Saturday morning? " Aryan asked curiously eyeing her from the bed.

" My periods started today. After three fricking months! " Kai replied sitting down on the couch.

" Are you okay, Jaan? You do not seem pretty good! Usually, you seem still okay during these days. " Aryan asked getting worried, as he then quickly got down from the bed and walked up to her.

" Yeah! I know. I normally do not feel this weak during these five to seven days. However, maybe this month due to the excessive work pressure and irregular periods; I'm just bleeding too much and feeling exhausted! " Kai replied.

Aryan then sat on his knees in front of her and started to rub her bare belly.

" You're going to just rest these few days KBear and I will take care of all the household works and chores. " Aryan said planting a kiss on her knuckles.

" Thank you so much, Aryan. However, the house help won't come on this weekend. She went to her village and will come back on Wednesday only. Therefore, let's just share the work and responsibilities, and don't worry I'll be okay in a while. I've been dealing with it since the age of twelve. " Kai replied back with a smile while putting her arms around his neck, pulling him for a hug.

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