Parenturiency {3}

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Continuation from the previous part.

The night was no different for Kainaat than the previous ones. Aryan's presence calmed her soul while her excitement due to the baby's presence in her womb did not let her sleep. Aryan then shifted in his sleep and placed an arm on Kainaat's belly.

Kainaat's joy knew no bounds. He was touching their baby. Their baby would be able to feel his/her father's for the whole night and sleep peacefully. She recalled Dr.Nisha's words. The baby would mimic all her feelings. 

As of now, she felt safe and at peace. Aryan's hand was on her tummy and hers was on top of his. her cute little adorable family.

~ Skip time to a few days ~

The calendar showed 12th November. Aryan's birthday!

The ringing alarm disturbed Kainaat's sleep. She turned and switched it off immediately. Then looking at Aryan's side, she chuckled as she recalled the night before. Poor him tried to get close to her and a simple birthday wish but got disappointed in the return. 

She told him that she's tired and he respected that. But, what hurt made him upset that she did not even wish him!

Kainaat then placed a kiss on top of his head. A few seconds later, suddenly she felt like throwing up again. Therefore, she rushed inside the bathroom.

Aryan shifted sides in his sleep. His sleep broke due to the coughing sounds of Kainaat coming through the bathroom.

He spread out his hand to feel his Kbear beside him. A while later, he realized that her side of the bed was empty. The huffing sounds covered his ears once again. He got up and ran his fingers through his hair. 

He then walked up to the bathroom and was about to knock on the door, but then stopped. She did not wish him last night. So why should he care? He made up his mind that he would not talk to her until she remembers what day it is, and wishes him properly. 

Thus, he went and sat on the couch nearby and started checking his messages and replied to the wishes.

Shortly after five minutes later, the bathroom door jerked open. Kainaat came out, and she looked weak and tired by the look of her face.

" Jaan, what happened? Are you okay? " Aryan asked 

He immediately bit his tongue. He was not supposed to talk to her now. 

" I want an answer now. " Aryan demanded.

He crossed his arms across his chest. Kainaat just shook her head left and right.

Aryan then grabbed her elbow when she was about to walk past him, and stopped her. Her right hand involuntarily landed right on top of her stomach.

" Kainaat? " Aryan called her. She just hummed.

" Are you alright? " Aryan asked keeping his head in the crook of her neck. She nodded in a positive manner and smiled widely.

" You seem very happy. Anything special today? " Aryan asked raising his eyebrows. He snaked his arms around her waist.

" No. Today's nothing special. " Kainaat lied.

Aryan frowned and became upset. Did she really forget his birthday or just faked it? 

Her out of all the people? The one who matters the most to him?

" Okay, well, I'm noticing that you're smiling to yourself a lot since the last few days. So, what's going in you're mischievous little mind? " Aryan asked again with amusement.

Aryan Khan (One-Shots/Short-Stories)Where stories live. Discover now