Parisian Boulevard {2}

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continuation from the last part. 

" Hello. Miss? " The voice caused her to turn around. 

 " Yes? " Pari asked being confused turning around.

Pari's eyes met with a man. A young man. 'Quite a great face for a random street person she thought to herself. Before she knew it, she couldn't take her eyes off of this mysterious man. Being surrounded by a big group of handsome men for the sake of her career made her taste in men, well, way too high. Yet the simplicity of the man right in front of her somehow attracted her. She held up the camera and took a photo of him without even glancing at the camera itself. 

Her bodyguard soon turned up, standing behind her like a personal shadow. She instructed him to stay as far away from her as possible or else he'd get fired. He nodded, immediately leaving. 

The painter man wore beige pants with a lot of dried-up paint, a white shirt hidden beneath a light blue shirt acting as a jacket. A palette with all sorts of colors was lazily held with his left hand and a paintbrush held with his right. The late afternoon sun was glowing onto his face, making him look like some sort of God. A defined jawline, pink plump lips, fluffy black hair, and the highlight: admirable brown eyes. 

He checked Pari out by eyeing her top to bottom too. While she checked him out, a smirk unknowingly formed on her face. 

 "W-Wow! I mean, just look at you! Perfect fit for my blank canvas, eh?" The man winked. 

She raised a brow. At first, she thought he was a local; the way he was dressed, the way he comfortably called out for her in the middle of this Parisian Boulevard. But the more she saw him, the more Indian he looked. She shook her head in a way to remove her silly thoughts.

He stood in front of her with a wide smile plastered on his face.

 "M-Me? Perfect fit for a blank canvas? Me?" Parineeti questioned.

Parineeti believed she was an overhyped actress. She refuses to accept even one compliment, knowing for sure that the person complimenting her is lying. She's grown up all her life thinking just that. Even today, Pari thinks that her becoming a huge actress in the span of a month is a dream. Whether it be her talent or her beauty, she never thought too highly of herself. Therefore, she kept herself grounded at all times. 

But this man, oh this man! He changed her mindset by saying just this:

 "Of course! You have beautiful hazel eyes, adorable rosy lips, a natural nose, and the best smile! You are the perfect fit! Props to you for being a beautiful piece of art." 

Pari, despite hearing such cliche dialogues spoken by her co-stars during shoots on a daily basis, blushed. The blood rushed to her cheeks resulting in a pink-faced Pari. The painter man cracked a smile.

 He gestured for her to sit down on the chair placed in front of him. Pari immediately sat on the chair while gazing at the handsome painter. 

 "So, what's your name?" Pari managed to squeak. 

The painter couldn't stop smiling while he sketched Pari. He found her cute. Of course, every now and then he'd see a cute girl pass by. However, he sensed something different with this girl. She seemed oddly familiar. 

 "Aryan. Aryan Shah Rukh Khan." He boldly spoke, looking into her eyes.

Pari slowly nodded. Her thoughts of the painter man being Indian were confirmed. 

Aryan Khan (One-Shots/Short-Stories)Where stories live. Discover now