- Khan's Villa - [02]

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Priya ran. Ran through the big passageway. 

As she was getting the flashbacks she entered a room with a huge wooden door to catch her breath. She noticed that the door was unconventionally tall and broad. She tried opening the door but noticed with its key missing. She felt intrigued and wanted to see what was behind that door but couldn't find the key. 

Then she noticed. A handprint.

There was a certain handprint that allowed open the door. She inquisitively kept her hand on the door almost instinctively and it opened with a grudging noise. She was shocked but at the same time relieved at the feelings she was experiencing. 

It's like she knew the door would open. When she entered the room, she was stunned. 

Stunned by the pictures hanging inside the room painted by someone and love letters lying on the table open to read as if someone was reading them every day and relishing the memories. Priya was shocked to see that this handwriting is so similar to hers. Her mind was blocked. She couldn't think straight. But a certain painting soon caught her attention. 

 - प्रिय प्रिया

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- प्रिय प्रिया

Priya stood shocked in front of the Painting. The Person in the Painting resembled her. A little too much. She gently traced the frames, and there was the signature of the artist and प्रिय प्रिया written, it gave her another shock. The brush strokes appeared rich and immaculate. It was simply a Masterpiece. The person in the painting may not be Her, but she could've never imagined someone painting her with such dedication. 

"maybe the person who painted her was deeply in love with her." Priya whispered. 

Then as soon as she kept her hand on the painting, the memories flashed right in front of her eyes. Memories of her and her lover laughing while painting, gardening, and playing with dogs, all those laughs come flashing before her eyes and the tears are flowing continuously.

The feeling of relief, the feeling of love, the feeling of separation, but the feeling that overpowered the most is that of knowing. Knowing that she was here, with him and he was here with her, waiting for her, in the skies, happiness filled her and a dragger passed through her abdomen slashing her skin.

After she was lost in those memories for some time and got to know that all those memories were of their love story, and in there she wasn't from a royal family. Her lover went against his family and went to marry her but before that, his father gave orders to kill her. 

She just saw the old painting and all her past memories flooded her mind, and she remember him, his love, and their sacrifice due to some so-called society as they are two different classes at that time. But before dying they were in each other arms looking into each other eyes, drowning themselves, capturing the last moment in their heart, mind soul, as more as possible he slowly cupped her cheek and said we will meet again, and it's my promise. Will you wait for me? She smiled and said I will.

Priya suddenly flinched when she heard the shoe sound and turned around, it was Shruti.

"Pri, let's go. It's 5p.m. They'll close the palace gates soon." Shruti said and held her hand.

Shruti could sense something was wrong with Priya. She was trying to call her for the past five minutes and she kept quiet. 

Shruti and Dhruv dragged her out of the palace, as Priya kept looking back. Something did not feel right. She did not want to leave the place.

The weather was not cooperating as well. It became dark and gloomy like rain would pour down at any moment.

He was there with her in the hallways watching her and tears were rolling down his cheeks. He still vividly remembers how she died in his lap covered with blood and how he hanged himself.

Suddenly thunder hit as Priya sat down in the car and she heard a voice " I love you, my princess."

Don't hate me. I'm just trying new concepts.

Aryan Khan (One-Shots/Short-Stories)Where stories live. Discover now