Instagram Style

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Since you all seem to miss Kainaat and Aryan too much. Hence, this one is a treat. 

Aryan Khan was vigorously typing a climax scene in his laptop when his better half Kainaat Sahani Khan was sitting on the couch adjacent to him. Her legs were stretched on the table before them. She was looking at her iPad with a serious plus amusing expression. 

" Aryan! " Kainaat called her husband.

" Hmm. " Aryan replied with his attention still dedicated to his laptop.

" Follow me. " Kainaat urged poking his arms.

" Umm. Follow you where Jaan? " Aryan asked.

He looked at his adorable wife, with an amused expression. Follow her where? It was her day off, and she decided to spend it all in his work studio. Hence, he thought that maybe she wanted to go somewhere and asked him to accompany her. His adorable wife has a weird still interesting way of putting things anyways.

" Aryan! Follow me on Instagram! " Kainaat exclaimed.

" Instagram? " Aryan asked and looked right back onto his laptop. Being utterly uninterested in the conversation.

A very hopeless social networking site that Kainaat recently made an account, after immense requests from Suhana. Thus, now she's hooked on it. Aryan always thought of it as a waste of precious time and energy. Moreover, it's always filled with toxicity and negativity!

" Aryan I have 800K followers and my very own husband doesn't follow me. " Kainaat complained pouting her lips.

" Babe I'm not active on Instagram. " Aryan said honestly.

Aryan was never a fan of social media and unwanted attention. However, he did had an Instagram account and recently joined Twitter, only after his PR suggested that this would be good marketing and advertising scheme. Thus, he used his social handles only to promote his craft and support his friends and family. He hardly ever used it except for posting his work-related stuff and promotions. His PR head even appointed a person exclusively to handle and take care of his Twitter account. Since it can gradually become a lot more toxic and negative in there.

" Not active in Instagram? Why? " Kainaat asked.

" Because you know I don't like it. I prefer keeping my life private. " Aryan shrugged.

Kainaat's mouth formed a very appealed "O" at her dear husband's nonchalant behavior.

" Aryan this is outrageous. The best debutant film-maker/director needs to have an active social handle. Give me your phone, I'll post a selfie of ours! " Kainaat urged and before Aryan could even reply his phone was snatched away from him.

" Jaan, give it back to me. " Aryan warned her.

" I know what to do. You just continue with your work. " Kainaat replied back showing her tongue.

Thus, she posted a cute selfie they clicked during one of their many dates. As usual, it blasted upon all the social networking sites and went viral in an hour or two.

( p.s - I honestly wish if someone could just snatch his phone and post something. His Instagram has been drying since 2019)

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