Deep Waters

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idea ~ Aryan talking on a video call with Y/N from the Arthur Road Jail. 

It was requested.

This is a Reader x Aryan Khan.

We cannot necessarily skip chapters, and that is how life works. We have to read every line, meet every character, and bear all the difficulties and pain. Well, we will not certainly enjoy it all. Hell, some chapters will make us cry for weeks. Some days will be more overwhelming and hard than the others. But, that is how life goes on.

Maintaining the Covid-19 protocols, every prisoner in the jail is allowed to speak to his or her family through video call twice a week.

Therefore, Aryan was provided a mobile phone by jail authorities from which he made a video call. He dialed his mother's number. To say he was anxious at that moment would be an understatement. His hands were trembling. He would be speaking to his mother after so many days. Due to the strict supervision, he could not even speak to her on her birthday; the 8th of October.

Life has certainly become a mess for him. Although he was always quite reserved from the start, now after this incident it had taken a huge toll on his mental health. Even though he tries to portray himself as strong, but from the within; he is breaking down. Minute by minute. 

" Hello, Ma. " Aryan trailed off.

" Aryan! Mera baccha! " Gauri Khan exclaimed while tears profoundly rolled down her eyes.

       " Aryan! My baby! "

" How are you, Ma? And where is Baba? " Aryan asked trying to sound normal.

But both he and his parents knew, what he was feeling and going through.

" I'm right here. " SRK spoke taking a seat beside Gauri.

There was a minute or two silence. Neither of them spoke anything. It was breaking their heart to see their eldest son, their first baby in such a state. On the other hand, Aryan actually did not know what to say or how to express his feelings. There was a pang of rising guilt inside of him. The guilt that he let them down. The guilt that because of his one mistake, of attending the cruise party; now their family's reputation is at stake. 

" Sorry, Baba. " Aryan spoke after a while.

" No, I'm sorry. Have you eaten anything? " SRK asked with tears glistening in his eyes.

He could not take it. Seeing his son, his best friend in such a state. It broke him.

" No." Aryan replied in a single word. 

" Where is Y/N? " Aryan asked after a while. 

There was a time limit on the phone call. And he really wished if he could see you for once or even hear your voice. 

You did magic on him. You always carried positivity and radiated happiness. 

He always remembered your words.

      " And when you go through deep waters, I will be with you. "

He wanted to know if you still believed him. If you still stood by him. For because, he was truly in love with you.

" She's here. Wait let me call her. " SRK spoke and called Y/N. 

Aryan heard the sound of your Anklet/Payal and became altered. The same Payal which he gifted you during your birthday, earlier this year. You loved it and thus decided to wear it everywhere. It was simple and modest. Moreover, he loved its sound.

" Hey, Simba. " You spoke as she took the phone from SRK's hand and settled on the couch nearby.

" How are you? " Aryan asked you.

His eyes lit up seeing you. On the other hand, you tried your best to control your emotions and not break down in front of him. It was hard seeing the person you love in distress. It was mentally and emotionally torturing, knowing the fact that you cannot go over there and help him. 

But you always believed. You always believed that it would be over soon and you both will find your way back to each other. 

" I'm okay. How are you? " You asked back.

" I don't know. Just trying to survive this. It hurts. " Aryan answered.

" It feels as if everything is finished. Every freaking thing! " Aryan continued looking down.

" Hey! Listen, some periods of our growth are so confusing that we don't even recognize that growth is happening. We may feel hostile, angry, weepy, hysterical, and even sometimes depressed. 

And if you're concerned and feeling frightened about what comes next, then don't be. Embrace the uncertainty. Allow it to lead you to places. You've got this Aryan!

You're strong. You're brave. You're compassionate. 

Yes, you did a mistake; by attending the party. But, it's okay. We're just mere humans, we are bound to make mistakes, or else people would start to think of you as some supernatural being or something. " You said and tried to make it a bit sarcastic in the end.

Aryan smiled a bit, hearing the last part.

" They can't keep you in there for a long time. We all stand by you, just stay truthful and cooperate with their interrogations. You'll be out soon. Okay? " You asked.

" Hmm. " Aryan just hummed.

Their conversation was interrupted by a police constable. He reminded them about the time. 

" Take care of yourself. I don't want my Simba to become weak. " You spoke with a smile.

" Yeah. You take care of yourself as well, and please look after Baba and Ma. " Aryan said.

You nodded your head in a positive manner.

" Also remember, whenever you go through deep waters, I will be with you. " You said with tears in your eyes.

" I love you. " Aryan said with droplets of tears streaming down his cheeks.

" I love you, too. " You said and the call ended. 

You busted out in tears as the phone call ended. But, all you could do was pray for his wellbeing. 

Hey, guys! 

The Bombay High Court will hear Aryan's bail plea on the 26th of October. Please pray for him and his family. The prayers can do miracles. Please, let's just all try to provide him support, the best way that we can <3

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