Dil [3]

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continuation from the previous part.

~ flashback ~

"Saif, are you sure there will be no ragging?" Fixing her rimmed circular glasses on her eyes, Kiara asked her best friend Saif who fixed his own spectacles and then smacked her forehead glaring at her. 

"If anyone will rag us, we will complain to the authority, Kia. Why are you pressuring your non-existing brain?" He said looking around the huge campus of the college. 

Kiara nervously rubbed her hands together, biting her lips, and winced when her tongue tasted like strawberry due to the flavor of lip balm. 

"Relax, Kia." Side hugging her, Saif said as he saw her sweating forehead. 

It was their first day at the University of Mumbai and both of them were nervous due to the fear of getting ragged. Even though ragging was banned, who is still going to teach the rules to the dangerous seniors?! She was going towards her class holding Saif's hands when a comment boiled her blood and she turned towards the source of the voice glaring at them. 

"Yes, he is my boyfriend. Do you have any problem with this? As much as I remember, I didn't give you any right to involve yourself in my personal matters, Mister." Scowling at the man who commented on her holding Saif's hands.

"What happened?" 

She heard a hoarse,well-modulated, and attractive voice filled with concern. She turned around only to get stunned by the fine specie of man standing in front Or her, looking at her with a frown. His face had a distinct type of radiance that couldn't be explained in words. His forehead lines creased. His hazel-brown eyes complimented his lightly tanned skin quite well and his height was something to die for. His eyes were so expressive that she failed to say anything. 

Aryan gazed at the scowling beauty in front of him who was angrily gazing at his best friend a minute before and now drooling on him. Dressed in a white knee-length floral dress which complimented her ivory skin tone well, stone studs shining on her ear piercing, face bare of makeup except for the lip balm and kajal, hairs tied in a messy ponytail, circular rimmed glasses giving her face an attractive charm, she was a sight to behold. 

So beautiful and so innocent. 

Through the fake coughs, they both came out of the daze and redness blazed through them.

"Nothing. Your friend was quite interested in my personal life." She said, faking a smile at him, and left holding Saif's hand. 

"Isn't she too feisty?'' Nirvan said, narrowing his eyes at the retreating figure of Kiara. 

"And too hot too." Ahaan added, making Aryan shift uncomfortably. 

"She is not of our personal interest so stop hitting on her. And I am warning you guys, No ragging is allowed on campus." He said making his friends frown and leaving from there, his mind drifting back to the feisty beauty he came across.

And that was how they met for the first time. 


Kiara sat against the door as tears threatened to fall off her eyes and she closed them letting the tears fall one after another. She kept her hands on her mouth tightly not wanting to make a single noise. She expected him to push her away, hate her, hurt her but here he hugged her close to his chest bursting her heart. 

All she wanted to do at that moment was to hug him tightly and never let him go. 

Aryan looked around to see his cousins and the bride's side looking at him eagerly and curiously. 

"She is my college friend." He mumbled running away in the same direction as Kiara, but his mother saw something which no one saw. The love in his eyes for that girl.

"Kia, open the damn door." He banged loudly on her door requesting her to open it. All he wanted to do was hug her tightly and never let her go away from him.

It didn't matter to him that she left him anything. All that mattered was coming across her after the long period of separation. He heard her sniff making his heart break into pieces.


He whispered hoarsely in a broken voice and waited for her to open the door. He was thankful that one followed him and her room was also in the isolated corner. She opened the doors of her room to come across his teary grey eyes and she didn't know anything else except that he is the man she insanely loved all her life. 

She threw away every insecurity for that time and threw herself in his arms bursting into tears. He wrapped his hands around her tiny waist lifting her a little off the ground and swung her as his other hand caressed her hair. 

He dropped feathery kisses on her partitioned hairs as his hold got tight on her. He closed his eyes, feeling peaceful as he let the tears slide. He felt paralyzed with the happiness he was feeling after so many years. He could hardly control the hurricane of emotions inside him. The bear hug gave peace to his soul. 

She finally got hold of her emotions as her tears turned into sobs. She came out of the hug and looked at him innocently with her big doe eyes and cupped his cheeks. 

"You are fine, right?" Kiara asked and tiptoed kissing every inch of his skin while he closed his eyes in contentment. 

"You are really here. Isn't it?" Aryan asked keeping his hands on her nape as he tilted it a little. 

He kissed her forehead lovingly gazing at her brown orbs. Happiness streaked through her like comet contentment spread through him. He kept his forehead against hers, breathing heavily as he pushed them inside the room, closing the door. 


Aryan asked with his closed eyes, making her eyes shoot open as she looked at him with wide eyes.

enjoy <3

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