Infatuation {1}

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Hey guys, this is a two-shot story that a friend of mine and I collaborated on. I will be writing the second part. Hence, this first part is written and brought to you by Bangtanjjang0808. Please, do check out her profile for amazing pieces of works <3


He ran a hand through his hair. Clearly frustrated, he began mumbling a string of curses under his breath. His father, the great Shah Rukh Khan, then scolded him for even thinking about using such words.

Aryan Shah Rukh Khan, the firstborn kid of Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan. He holds a lot of responsibilities as he's the eldest child in the family.

He's always wanted and to be a director. Although acting's in his blood, he'd prefer to stay behind the camera. He believes that the person who brings the script alive is not the actor, but the director. 

He's always had a wide imagination. Aryan would love to imagine different scenarios in movies, and then discuss with his father how he would change that specific scenario if it were in his movie. 

But Mr. Shah Rukh Khan had wanted his son to act in at least one movie. Just one movie, and he'll let go of his son to do whatever he wants.

"Main tumse pyaar karti hoon, Rohan. I really do!" A girl sobbed. 

  'I love you, Rohan! I really do' 

Aryan cringed, his eyebrows stuck together due to the over-acting that the girl in front of him did. 

"T-That's not good enough, I'm afraid." The director whispered to the father-son duo.

Aryan let out a small giggle, realizing how stupid his situation was. Shah Rukh Khan, Aryan Khan, and the director of this film all sat side-by-side. There was an audition for the female lead that was going on. 

Why a new girl for the female lead of the Aryan Khan's first movie?

Aryan Khan has already faced a lot of hate for being the son of legend actor SRK. It's not his fault he's the son of Shah Rukh Khan, right?

But people just need to spew nonsense on the internet about someone or the other!

If the casting director brings in the daughter of another influential person, it'll cause a lot of damage! Thus, the auditions began. 

All the girls that entered this room looked beautiful. Aryan had to admit, they all really did look breathtaking. But they weren't what he was looking for at all

"Next!" The director yelled. 

And then entered a girl. 

The perfect girl. 

 Yes, she didn't look as good as the other girls that came before. Not even a speck of makeup on her face, she stood proudly. She had a few blemishes here and there, but that added to her beauty. 

Aryan was mesmerized. He admired her rawness. She wasn't afraid to show her true self to the world, and Aryan absolutely loved that about her. 

Her medium-length jet-black hair was open. The scent of her strawberry shampoo filled the area. Aryan could already imagine himself playing with her hair as she falls asleep on his chest.

She had chocolate brown skin, complementing her rosy pink lips that she kept biting onto. With long eyelashes and brown eyes, he paid attention to every single feature of hers.

"Aryan! Are you even listening to her?" His father asked, smiling at her to avoid suspicion. 

Aryan nodded dreamily, flashing her a smile.

"Hello everybody! My name is Amara Mehta! I'm 24 years old." She introduced herself.

Aryan mumbled a small 'wow', resting his head on his palm. 

"Have you been to any acting schools in the past?" The director asked her. 

"N-No, Sir." She mumbled in response. 

Shah Rukh Khan sighed in disappointment. He thought it would be a waste to hear someone deliver their lines when they don't even know to act. 

"Go on!" Aryan spoke.

 Amara looked at Aryan in shock. 

She thought they'd kick her out of the room as soon as they knew she's never been to any sort of acting school. Instead, he told her to read the lines.

Clearing her throat, she said: 

"Main tumse pyaar karti hoon, Rohan! I r-really do!"

    'I love you, Rohan! I really do!' 

 Aryan widened his eyes at her acting. Though she's never been to any acting school, her acting was a thousand times better than all the girls that acted before her. Her acting was so natural, while the others were so forced. She had some magic in her that pulled Aryan to her. 

 "She's the one, Pops." Aryan murmured.

His father turned to him with wide eyes. 

"Her? Aryan, beta (son), are you sure?" He asked his son. 

Aryan nodded, trying to suppress his grin. Amara gazed at Aryan, while his eyes were fixated on her the moment she entered the room. 

"Aryan, you don't want to see any other girls?" The director asked him. 

Aryan shook his head, smiling at Amara. She returned a smile. Rather, a confused one. 

She was indeed very confused. Why would they pick her to star in a huge movie? She was so...normal! 

 "She's perfect, Dad." Aryan said.

This is it. 

I'll be uploading the second part as soon as I can <3

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