Insecurities Are Loud

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This one was requested by a dedicated reader <3

Jealousy generally refers to the thoughts or feelings of insecurity, fear, and concern over a relative lack of possessions or safety. Jealousy can consist of one or more emotions such as anger, resentment, inadequacy, helplessness, or disgust.

Marrying Aryan was sure a good decision that Kainaat made, however, she was well aware of all the hate and criticism she would receive as well. No matter how hard you try sometimes, the dark thoughts, the unnecessary hate, and taunts can make their way into your head. Although Kainaat truly loved Aryan for he was, sometimes she wished that; if only he was a normal next-door guy, things would have been so different for them. 

Moreover, the rising hate and criticism that she would often receive from his so-called fans and lovers, were still bearable. She could just switch off social media and her phone. Well, the main problem was in the recent weeks she could see him mingle with the actress of his new film. The media were spreading unnecessary rumors and false allegations.

Also, she is always surrounded by celebrated personalities. They have the perfect body, perfect hair, perfect skin, expensive and branded clothes. It's not like Kainaat ever questions her sense of style and body. She does not have all the time in the world to go to the gym every day or parlor every week! She is a criminal lawyer by profession, she is always busy in the high court and supreme court, she always has to meet with the criminals and the victims with their families. Real-life is totally different from the one that the Indian Cinema Industry portrays. It is never all sunshine and happiness, it is always gloomy and scary. The audience would never want to witness that side. 

Kainaat then snapped back from her daydreams when Suhana jerked her. They were in the success party of The Lion King, where both Shah Rukh and Aryan dubbed for the parts of Mufasa and Simba. They were highly praised, and even though, Aryan had no interest in acting ever still he preferred dubbing. He assumed it to be fun and terrific! Nevertheless, the whole party was packed with Bollywood celebrities. The party was organized in Mannat itself, hence the whole house was blinding with glam and alcohol. 

Kainaat did felt proud, she readily remembered how nervous Aryan was when the teaser of The Lion King was launched. He thought maybe his voice was not strong enough, to portray Simba. Even if he knew that he did lack to deliver some dialogues; people would just take up that and start trolling him and his family. Well, all well that ends well! Everybody loved the teaser and advised him to do vocal practices and work upon the dialogue delivery. 

She looked at him, he looked so happy! Smiling wholeheartedly, the recent movie he directed was a box office hit; and now the success of The Lion King was just as a cherry on top. Sometimes, Kainaat did ponder over the thoughts and the comparisons do make their way up to her mind. Aryan deserves better, so much better! She is just a normal next-door girl from an upper-middle-class family, trying to make a space for herself in the world. If only she could maintain her distance from him, from the very first! Even though, Kainaat knew that what the media tabloids were saying, was utter bullshit. However, sometimes she still wondered that maybe Aryan deserved someone who held the title for being "Miss World" or "Miss Universe". Someone, who would have an interest in his field of work and someone who would understand his work, and support him as much as possible. She tries her level best to be there for him, but her career is hectic as well. It's not possible for her to be there for him always, and the same goes for him.

Thus, she could see the actress of his recent film, Anaira D'souza approaching him. Aryan was on the dance floor, dancing and having fun with his friends. Kainaat was standing near the bar area with Suhana and Alia, and a couple of their friends. They were busy clicking pictures and playing with the Instagram/Snapchat filters. Anaira, was a Miss India finalist. She was bold, beautiful, held the desirable figure and sharp features. It was her second film, and she was recently recognized as the lady crush of the whole of India. She was beautiful, and she held grudges and pride in that, Kainaat did meet her a few times and due to respect Anaira always behaved well with her. 

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