A good hair day

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Manvi x Aryan Khan   [requested]

It was a regular day in Mannat. 

Manvi stood in the bathroom, hands placed on her hips, looking at the cabinet with toiletries. How did the grocery store people forget to send her shampoo? The old bottle is completely empty. Her mind did suggest filling water in the bottle, but unfortunately, she was not able to open the cap. The worst of all is that she has already undressed and wet her body and hair.

Manvi's eyes then passed onto her husband's side of the cabinet. Hers had only three things shampoo, body wash, and a packet of sanitary napkins. On the other hand, Aryan's cabinet had at least fifteen items that she cannot even begin to name. 

He wouldn't notice if a tiny winy bit was gone, would he? 

Manvi then tip-toed and searched with her hand on the top cabinet. On finding a bottle, she immediately squeezed some in her hand and returned the bottle, back to where it was. Then wiping her hair with the towel, Manvi stood in front of the mirror with a frown. 

How come her hair is not like her husband's? 

It was greasy and frisky. Nothing like her husband's hair. 

Aryan Khan had a weird obsession with his hair. In the last ten months of their marriage, Manvi has noticed that there has not been a single moment her husband's hair has been out of place. They were always shiny and looked smooth and bouncy, even when it was wet. Well, they felt smooth also all. She blushed at the thought of how she always wanted to touch his hair and the first time she got the chance was when they shared their first kiss, she was distracted a moment from the kiss by his impeccable hair. 

However, nothing of that sort reflected on her hair. 

"I guess he does some additional magic on his hair." Manvi mumbled brushing her hair and mentally noting to personally go shopping to buy her favorite shampoo. 

"What happened? Why are you frowning at your reflection?" asked Aryan who entered their room after his routine morning jogging and workout.

"Oh, it's you!" Manvi exclaimed. 

Placing her towel on the chair, she walked toward her husband. Before she could touch his hair to feel the texture, moved back in a jiff as if she was going to beat him. 

Okay, also here's another thing, Aryan Khan hates when people touch his hair. Only when he is high on passion, even then his wife can touch his precious hair. Although, Manvi will never be brave enough to tell him that she plays with his hair when he is sleeping and unaware. 

"My hair is not soft as yours.'" Complained Manvi. 

"It is because you are irresponsible and don't maintain your hair properly." Aryan said judgementally as he began walking towards the cupboard. 

His hand smoothened a couple of strands near his forehead that stood pointed because of the exercise he just had. 

"You know I use international prod..." 

"Yes, yes, I know. I used your shampoo today."

Manvi bit her tongue for carelessly revealing that to Aryan.

"You did what?" asked Aryan shocked.

'Please, don't scold now.' Manvi prayed as Aryan reached near his wife swiftly. 

He held her strand in his hand and inhaled the scent. 

"Ummm...." he moaned. 

"Nice." He commented.

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