Right By Your Side

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This one was requestion by, Zara.

Zara entered the bedroom after a long talking session with her best friend on the balcony, only to find Aryan sitting on the edge of the bed. His back kept relaxed on the bed post and his palms kept a firm grip upon the i-pad. His eyebrows were furrowed in annoyance.

Thus, she walked up to him and held his cheeks in her hand. This caused him to look up at her. Aryan then kept the i-pad aside and jerked her towards him. He then brought her in his lap. Her legs locked around his waist. He looked at her and his eyes held rather sad and and sorrowful expressions. Being in a relationship of eight months with Aryan Khan made Zara acknowledge one thing. That is, his eyes were the window to his soul. They spoke volumes. 

" What's wrong Aryan? Are you okay? " Zara asked with concern.

To which, Aryan nodded his head in a positive manner. Clearly trying not to break down, in front of her.

" You know, I hate it! I just can't bear how these stupid brainless creatures just go and blame you and spread lies about you. I can't stand those heeartless comments! You're not a distraction, baby. " Aryan expressed with his filled with guilt.

We all have our ups and downs in life. It is like a wave. Although, Aryan had a very extravagant career from the start, however the back to back one flop and one semi-hit movies did made his fans dishearten. By the same time he started dating Zara, and his fans thought that it is due to her, who is serving as a distraction for him. Hence, the hates and negative comments started. They started making Zara the target, and obviously, this did not set well with Aryan!

" Aryan! You seriously think I care about what they say? I give shit for their opinions! " Zara relied and looked at him at disbelief. 

" Okay, listen to me. Aryan, I really don't give a damn about their comments and opinions. I don't care about anything until you are by my side and believe me. And I know you, I know your heart. You're always going to be there. With your love and trust, nobody can drag me down or make me feel less! " Zara continued and by this time their lips were almost brushing against each other.

Therefore, Aryan looked right back into her eyes and then his gaze shifted to her lips. The next moment she felt his lips against hers. They kissed each other. The kiss was filled with reaasurement, love, trust and respect.

Hence, he pulled back gently. Slightly breathless and a scarlet shade took over their cheeks. 

" I'm always by your side, babe. Forever right there for you. " Aryan whispered softly.

" I know. I love you. " Zara said smiling.

" I love you too. " Aryan replied back with a mischievous grin.

Bye <3

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