Parenturiency {2}

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Continuation from the previous part.

" Hey. I know it's a bit weird to talk to my belly, but I have a feeling you're in there. I know the doctor is yet to confirm, but my gut instinct is speaking volumes. I hope you're doing okay, and I promise that whatever happens in the future I will protect you. Always and Forever. " Kainaat spoke rubbing her stomach area.

She found it cute and weird at the same time. The doctor was yet to confirm her pregnancy and here she was speaking to him or her. Him. She had this inherent wish that the baby was a boy, not that she would be less happy or delighted if it is a girl. 

However, if the baby is a boy then he would be just like Aryan. The same dark brown bouncy hair, that she loves the ruffle. The same hazel-brown orbs that she would drown in. The same highly structured nose that he would rub against hers. The same full lips she loved to kiss. She has seen all of Aryan's younger pictures when he was a baby and a toddler. All his baby pictures are adorable and endearing. She wished for the same. The baby boy would be a replica/spitted image of his father.

All the same features and same nature as him. He would be so impatient for little things. He would be protective over his family and loved ones. He would be as caring as his father, or even more. The only thing she wishes for her son to be the current version of his father, sweet and gentle. Not the previous one.

Kainaat's mind then went down to memory lane. She recollected all the moments they shared. Both good and bad. It was surely just as Aryan always described it to be, a film scene. They are just living it and performing their roles, implementing their portion. As if it has already been written. Scene after scene. 

Aryan then finished his attending his call and entered the room. Kainaat sighed. She had not even received any confirmation or had she informed Aryan yet, and there she is planning everything.

Therefore, without giving her a moment to think Aryan pulled Kainaat to himself. She placed her hand on her stomach in a reflex.

" Aryan, be careful! " Kainaat exclaimed.

Aryan quivered his eyebrows in utter confusion. Later, his gaze softened as he cupped her face.

" Wh--what happened? Was the pull too harsh? Did I hurt you, Jaan? " Aryan asked worriedly. 

Suddenly, she felt a strong urge to throw up. Her face squeezed like she smelled compost and she quickly pushed Aryan to run inside the bathroom. Aryan followed her. Well, by the time he reached, she had already locked the door from the inside. He was already worried, and the muffled sounds agonized him more.

" Kainaat! " Aryan called her out and knocked on the door.

On the other hand, Kainaat was busy throwing up. Luckily, she had managed to close the door before Aryan could catch her. Or else, he would have gotten to know about the whole situation. She wanted to let him know about this news on his birthday. It was in a few days.

" Kainaat. Open this fricking door before I break it! " Aryan exclaimed. 

By his voice, she could figure out that he was frustrated and worried. 

" Don't break my door. Or else I will break your face. I'm coming out in a minute you impatient brat! " Kainaat replied.

She then ignored him and carried on to wash her face. Finishing up, she then sat down on the toilet seat and sighed. This was tiring, and one of the many reasons why she should let Aryan know. Nevertheless, her mind argued. He deserved special.

Aryan Khan (One-Shots/Short-Stories)Where stories live. Discover now