Parenturiency {5}

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Continuation from the previous part.

" Okay, so by the way what week are we on? " Aryan asked suddenly.

" Three weeks, precisely. " Kainaat replied.

Aryan nodded at first but then a frown appeared on his face.

" Three weeks. Which means five hundred and four hours, thirty thousand two hundred and forty minutes, and 1,814,400 seconds! You kept me away from my baby for such a long time! Kainaat! What if something happened to you both in the time being?! " Aryan exclaimed.

" Oh My Goodness, Aryan! I know you're better at Mathematics than I am, so you don't have to prove it every time. Also, what is this keeping your baby away from you? It's ours! Moreover, I got to know about this a few days ago only. I didn't know I was freaking pregnant even four days ago! " Kainaat said back.

" Oh, God! Calm Down woman! Your pregnancy hormones are at it's best today. " Aryan said as he pulled her closer to him.

" Our baby. " Aryan whispered as he took her right hand and kissed the back of her palm.

Kainaat looked at him with her eyes filled with warmth. She then pulled him more closer, if possible, and gave him a tight hug.

" Thank you for making my birthday so special, Jaan. Thank you for being mine. Thank you for completing me. " Aryan said softly and placed a lingering kiss on her hairline.

Therefore, they went ahead and shared this news with the rest of the family. The family was over the moon. A new member of the family, after so long!

~ Skip time to the next day ~

The next morning came with bright and beaming sunshine. Nausea and Restlessness compelled Kainaat to wake up early in the morning. She then freed herself out of Aryan's stronghold, quickly got down from the bed, and rushed inside the washroom.

Aryan's sleep got disturbed due to the constant movements beside him and thus, he opened his eyes. Squinting them, adjusting to the light. Thus, hearing the muffled sounds from the washroom he immediately got off the bed and walked up to there. He then gently knocked a few times on the door, and then finally twisted the handle. Thankfully, this time the door was not locked.

On the other side, Kainaat was vigorously throwing up. Since her menstruation cycle has always been a struggle, thus the pregnancy would be a huge take on her body. Her eyes were glistening with tears.

Aryan got in and the sight was sort of unbearable for him. 

" Hey, it's fine. I got you. " Aryan spoke in a soft voice and massaged her shoulders. 

He then rubbed her back up and down. He looked around and got a hold of a hair tie on the counter, thus he gently grabbed the hair tie and tied her long locks in a high bun. Then, once done with her "every morning vomiting session" Kainaat cleaned her face with some tap water. The cold water did calm her down. She then turned around and snaked her arms around Aryan's waist. 

" Were you going through all this alone for the past few days? " Aryan asked in a frustrated voice.

Kainaat just nodded. She could not bring herself to face him at this point.

" You could have just told me, Kainaat. " Aryan said in disappointment.

She remained silent. She could not profound a single sentence nor a word. Yes, she was aware of her health, and she also knew that this pregnancy could have some major complications. Furthermore, she knew if her paranoid husband dearest gets any idea or knowledge of it, he will ask her to abort the child. 

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