Naisha x Aryan [03]

408 11 6

- in this story, the whole Drugs fiasco doesn't exist -

I Apologize

But that guy looked very oddly familiar.  His eyes. Like as if I've seen him somewhere, before. Where could it be?

Naisha pondered. 

Shrugging her thoughts, she hung her handbag on her right arm and held her files tightly as she confidently entered the huge building. 

Instantly she was awestruck by the interiors. She was looking everywhere with wide eyes. Jaw dropped. The colors. The aesthetics. The structures. The choice of furniture. It all screamed class. Marvelous.

"Beautiful." Naisha spoke out loud.

"Thank you, dear." 

Naisha instantly turned right to the voice. That voice. 

She was welcomed by the sight of Gauri Khan. Shah Rukh Khan's wife. Naisha might have stumbled a few steps.

Gauri gave her a warm smile. She witnessed the whole 'scene', and was quite impressed by her. She had to give it to her. The fault was Aryan's, he was walking straight speaking on the phone without noticing anyone.

"Ma'am! Hello! Hi! Beautiful. I meant your interiors are beautiful!" Naisha spoke in an excited voice.

She was flushed. A shade of pink appeared on her cheeks. She obviously knew who was in charge of the gorgeous and classy designs. 

"I'm glad you liked it. We just recently changed it a bit." Gauri replied back.

"Perfect. Just Perfect!" Naisha said still showing all of her teeth.

"Ah! And you are?" Gauri asked in an amused tone. She didn't see her in the office before. 

"Oh! I'm Naisha. I'm new. I just joined the Assistant Directors team." Naisha replied back forwarding her right hand for a handshake.

"Oh yes! I've heard they're recruiting new people. I'm Gauri." Gauri shook hands with her and introduced herself.

"Yes. I know you. Obviously! He-he." Naisha spoke back.

I am shaking hands with Gauri Khan! Someone pinch me! Pinch me! Pinch me!


Both of them turned their heads to the voice. The same guy with whom she 'crashed' was standing there, by the elevator. He stormed towards them. 

Maa? What? What's happening in here? 

Naisha looked at Gauri, and then at the guy. She started adding 2+2, there were similarities. 

"You!" both of them screamed at each other. Gauri stood there like a silent spectator. She was shocked as well, for sure.

"Tum meri Maa seh kya baat karrahi ho haan? Aur tumhe yahape ghusne kisne diya?" Aryan asked frustratedly. His day was going bad as it is, and her face just added fuel to the fire.

        "What are you speaking to my mother? And who even let you enter here?"

"Excuse me? Aap mujhse aise baat nahi karsaqteh, okay? I'm employed here. What are you even man?" Naisha asked in the same tone. 

Aryan Khan (One-Shots/Short-Stories)Where stories live. Discover now