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This one was requested by a dedicated reader, Radhika.

It was in the middle of the night and Radhika was sleeping quite peacefully, dreaming about her favorite food and all other stuff; until she was woken up by someone vigorously shaking her shoulder.

" Riddhi " the voice mumbled a couple of times, causing her to finally open her eyelids, and she finally turned around to face her gorgeous boyfriend.

" Yes, Aryanie? " Radhika asked in a rather sleepy voice trying to adjust her eyes to the dimly lit room.

" Riddhi, babe I didn't intend to wake you up. But, I--I don't feel good. " Aryan answered in a meek and raspy voice.

Therefore, worry shoot out through her entire body at his words. Aryan had been out shooting for some advertisements and short films, for the past couple of weeks. Even though, the deadly Covid-19 rates had been quite low for a few months, but still it is out there. Although, he was tested negative a few days earlier, still the risk remains. Thus, she instantly sat up straight and pressed the palm of her right hand on his forehead. Well, yes, he was burning up with a high fever. Even in an Air-Conditioned room, he was sweating vigorously and his lips were slightly pale and blue. 

" Aryan. You're burning up! " Radhika exclaimed and Aryan closed in eyes, feeling restless.

Flushed skin, body covered in sweat and his eyes narrowed. He was unable to keep them open due to utter pain and agony. He was a mess.

" Come on, keep your eyes closed and I'll be back in a minute, okay? " Radhika said and got down from the bed; not before planting covering him up with the warm blanket.

Aryan emitted a weak mumble in acknowledgment and Radhika quickly rushed downstairs in order to grab a bottle of medicine and a few tablets, along with it a thermometer, a rag and ice-cold bowl before rushing back up in the bedroom. She then entered the room and quickly kept down the stuff. She then took out two tablets of Paracetamol and gave them to Aryan, along with a glass of water.

He struggled to sit up, and a soft groan escaped his mouth as he tried to sit up straight. She then gently held his arms and helped him sit up straight, leaning his back to the bed stand and pillows. Therefore, he took the tablets and placed them in his mouth. The cold water helped him to swallow the tablet, but with much difficulty. He let out a groan and laid back down, the room was still dimly lit and the moon shined brightly, providing its own share of light.

Thus, Radhika placed the thermometer in his mouth and waited for the beep sound, in order to pull it back and check the temperature. It soon beeped and she pulled it out, and her eyes widened reading the thermometer.

" Oh my goodness! Aryan! You have really high fever! " Radhika exclaimed, a bit too loudly causing him to groan again.

" Oh! I'm so sorry. " Radhika mumbled apologetically and rubbed the knuckles of his hand.

" Come on close your eyes, Aryanie. " Radhika whispered gently as her delicate fingers stroked his cheeks, and her eyes scanned his soft features.

His hair was messy, but it still looked charming and sexy on him. His lips were now in a light shade of pink, and he pouted them slightly in pain. His cheeks were flushed in pink as he looked up at her.

Even when he is unwell, he is still the most attractive person to her!

" Babe. Riddhi, I know I'm good-looking but stop staring and go to sleep. " Aryan groaned out and a dark pink shade of blush took over her cheeks.

" My dear, Aryan. I'm not going to sleep when you are like this. " Radhika whispered softly and she blew a kiss in his direction. He smiled at her reaction.

Aryan Khan (One-Shots/Short-Stories)Where stories live. Discover now