Dil [4]

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continuation from the previous part.

~ flashback ~

Sitting on the bench in the garden of the college, Kiara inhaled a deep breath closed her eyes, and opened her tight ponytail letting her hair fall freely on her back. After a hectic back-to-back lecture, she needed a little break. 

"Here." She heard Saif's voice and she opened her hands as he gave her an oreo shake. 

She sipped into it, opening her mouth, and then gave him her dazzling smile. 

"This is so hectic." Pressing her forehead gently with her fingers, she exclaimed, making him nod as he too sipped on his shake. 

Feeling an intense penetrating gaze on her, she lifted her face and looked around only to come across his hazel-brown eyes which were looking at her with admiration and gentleness. She realized that he had one of the most expressive pairs of orbs and it didn't take her long to realize that he liked her. 

She had seen his eyes following her many times and above all, whenever she caught him rather than diverting his eyes, he used to playfully wink at her making her red, sometimes with anger and sometimes due to heat radiating off her body. 

Kiara then averted her eyes, cheeks turning red as she nervously finished off her shake and got up with shivering legs running away from there towards the lady's washroom. His gaze on her didn't make her uncomfortable but nervous. 

If it was someone else in his place, she would have skinned the person alive but his gaze made her feel so... beautiful!? She didn't know what it was. 

All that she knew was getting attention from the funky handsome guy from college who happens to be her crush. Maybe. Not too sure.

She had noticed how his eyes wandered around and settled on her even if he was having fun with his friends. It felt surreal to have his attention but she hated it too because it was not just noticed by her, but all the others as well which made people pass her teasing looks and scowling looks as well. She ran her hands through her hair tying them in a bun and then looked at herself. She was dressed in a white floral printed sleeves top and blue boyfriend jeans along with her favorite white sneakers. Her circular frames rested on her eyes. 

She didn't find anything special in her. She was a plain nerdy girl who was only concerned about her studies and her small group of friends, consisting of three people. Keeping her frames aside, she threw a handful of water on her face trying to gain control of the giddiness she was feeling, and then wiped her face with the small towel she carries. 

Finally giving a proper look at herself, she put on her frames exiting the washroom. She was perplexed when a hand came into her sight blocking her from taking another step ahead. Furrowing her brows, she looked at the owner only to gape at him with an open mouth. 

"I know I am damn handsome but that doesn't give you a ticket to gawk at me like that." Smirking, Aryan folded his hands at his chest, making her scowl at him. 

Scrunching her nose, she made a face looking back at his face. His blue semi-formal shirt clung to his skin and the upper two buttons gave her a slight peak at his muscular chest. All of a sudden, possessiveness ran through her but she masked it well under her scowl. 

"Too cocky and self-centric you are. Isn't it?" She asked, looking around.

I don't mind being that for you but I wanted something from you." He said, making her frown but she nodded, pursuing him to continue. 

Aryan Khan (One-Shots/Short-Stories)Where stories live. Discover now