Parenturiency {1}

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This one was requested by many readers. It's Kainaat x Aryan Khan.

Parturiency is the condition of carrying a developing fetus within the uterus.

It is an emotional experience for any couple. It is an emotional experience that makes their bond stronger and inviolable. Here, the couple embraces a new phase of their life as they look forward to holding their little bundle of joy in their arms.

Being in their first pregnancy phase, both of them are excited and nervous about rearing the child growing in Kainaat's womb. Kainaat prepares herself to become a good mother, with Aryan's help. Aryan prepares himself for this responsibility, with Kainaat's support.

 ~~ x ~~

Kainaat never knew how to describe the emotions in words holding the pregnancy strip in her hand. 

' Positive ' the pregnancy strip beeped after five minutes. 

It showed two red lines. Her eyes widened seeing the results.

Kainaat was still in the law firm. It has been a week that she was feeling nauseous and sick, which was so not her. She has always been energetic and productive. 

Thus, she ordered some pregnancy strips by providing her workplace's address. In no way she was pregnant, but recently she noticed that she had missed her periods, and did not want to take any risks. Although, she had always had a messed up menstruation cycle still she wanted to check and be tension-free.

Their married life has been blissful. Of course, they have been with each other and shared a spectacular physical intimacy; however, still, a child is a huge responsibility. That too when it has only been a year and few months of their marriage. They are still young and have more things to worry about and take care of!

Therefore, she calmed herself down and decided to visit the clinic. She needed a doctor's confirmation. She needed to meet with a gynecologist, before speaking to Aryan. Hence, she took an appointment for the evening.

~ Skip the time to evening ~

" Hi, I'm Dr. Nisha. "  The gynecologist introduced herself with a warm smile.

Kainaat looked at her and gave back a small smile.

" Hi, I'm Kainaat. Nice to meet you. "  Kainaat said.

" Come on in, sit. "  Nisha invited her in.

Kainaat silently walked in and took a seat opposite the doctor's chair. 

" So, what's the purpose of today's visit? " Krystle asked.

" Umm, well I recently missed my periods, and I wanted to make sure that if I'm pregnant or not.  " Kainaat spoke.

" Did you take any pregnancy tests? " Dr. Nisha asked.

Kainaat positively nodded her head. 

" I did, and it appeared positive. But I want to be sure before sharing this news with my family. " Kainaat said.

" Okay. Well, Kainaat I'll be asking you some personal questions. Please, answer them honestly, and later on, we will do some tests on you. Tests like Urine tests, Breast exams, and cervical exams if you haven't done them already. " Dr. Nisha said. 

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