His Birthday

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This one is a Reader x Aryan Khan

10:46 p.m. 

You glanced at your wristwatch from time to time, as you waited for the cake to bake. You turned around and looked at Abram, playing on his tablet. That little kid literally helped you a lot, during the whole day; as much as he could. 

Since, Suhana was not in India, and their cousins were out in London as well. Therefore, it was you and Abram present in the house. Gauri and Shah Rukh Khan were out to Delhi for some important work, regarding Aryan's case and they asked you to stay until they return back. 

You and Aryan were the best of friends. You have both known each other since the nursery days. Both of you enrolled in the Dhirubhai Ambani International School the same year, thus you were batch mates and then classmates eventually. However, Aryan decided to go to London for his further higher studies and you completed your school education from DAIS itself. 

You both swore that you would stay in touch, and share everything and be there. But, as they say; life happened and you guys lost touch. But, you always had the same love and respect for each other in your hearts.

After completing high school, both of you got busy with your University Admissions and became engrossed in your own lives and building a future for yourselves. Nobody can blame you both for that!

Aryan then got admitted to the USC, and you got the chance to study at YALE. You were always the nerd-ish type. Engrossed in books and notes, you always found your solace and satisfaction by solving those complex sums and questions.

You often felt very foreign whenever you were asked to hang out with Aryan and Suhana. For because their set of friends belonged to the glam world, and you always felt left out. You did not follow up with the recent fashion trends, you were much interested to know about global warming, and attend seminars, and do MUNs. 

Although, your friendship with Aryan was unique in the same way. Even though you both got separated, circumstances and situations were to blame. However,  whenever the two of you would meet it was always fun and comfortable. You guys made each other feel at ease. At least that's what Aryan always felt being with you. 

He always felt at home.

You never judged him or anyone for that matter. You never interfered unnecessarily in others' lives and always maintained a strict boundary for yourself. You were different from others, and it intrigued him; always. 

" Di-di! " Abram's voice brought you back from your daydream.

" Yes? " You asked and turned around to check the cake. 

" Is the cake ready? I wanna go and surprise Bhaiyu! Now! " Abram stomped his foot faking a cute pout.

" Wait for a second, Abby. The cake will be done in two to three minutes. " You said and chuckled slightly at Abram's expression.


The oven was alarmed. You then got a hold of the gloves, and carefully took the cake out of the oven. Abram and you then made yourselves comfortable in decorating the cake. 

It was a chocolate cake. You also made some cupcakes with the same cake batter. Abram and you then decorated the cupcakes with sprinkles and icing. 

Aryan Khan (One-Shots/Short-Stories)Where stories live. Discover now