His Brother's Engagement

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This one was requested, by Amrita

~ Amrita ~

I saw him smiling at me, taking my hand in his, and walking up the stairs covered with a beautiful red carpet. 

"Careful Jaan" he kept saying. It was his elder cousin brother, Arjun's engagement. I smiled back at him as he helped me climb up, the shimmery peach gown causing me difficulty. When he reached the stage, he entwined his fingers with mine, winked at me, and walked to his family with so much pride and warmth.

Aryan looked like a proud dad rather than a boyfriend as he introduced me to his parents and brother, telling them, 'This is the girl of my dreams and reality'. 

I smiled, slightly embarrassed but the family welcomed me without too many questions. They knew him and his determination well. They would never question him on his choices and decisions. He was too confident and independent to choose according to someone else.

The only person who had a chance in changing his mind or convincing him in any situation was me. I dunno, how I had such a strong impact on him but it wasn't just his crazy love but blind trust that he had for me. He then introduced me to a few childhood friends who might have known me but never met me before.

Honestly, for me the party was boring but his presence made my evening. Also, because I was rather feeling intimidated and uneasy feeling the stares.

" Don't mind the attention much, stay with Suhana if I'm not around. " Aryan urged softly near my ear and patted my back lightly. 

He walked around as I sat with a glass of lemonade. His brother and sister-in-law, Manavi was discussing some stuff regarding their business. They both worked together and were very successful and extremely busy even during their engagement. It was weird for me as I can be excited and take a leave even for my friend's engagement. 

Sigh! Lack of determination maybe! 

" Hey! " A soft rather excited voice caused me to turn my head.

I noticed Suhana and Alia, their cousin. Both of them were smiling ear to ear, leaving their dimples for full exposure. I smiled softly back at them and started conversing. We mingled quite well, they radiated positive and happy energy. 

But, soon my heels were torturing me by then. I had a pretty good height, and opted for not wearing the flats and converse mostly.

 Aryan saw me opening my stilettos and looking at my toes and stared at me slightly concerned and slightly annoyed as he had told me not to wear those. He walked towards me and kneeled down on one knee, looking carefully at my toes he held the black stilettoes and placed a pair of sliders in front of me and made me wear those. I looked at him surprised as he smirked at me caressed my legs and said that he had put my sliders in the car as soon as he had seen my heels. As he put his hand forward, I held onto him and got up smiling and gave him a peck on his cheek as a token of thanks. 

He pulled me closer and pecked over my hair while walking toward his parents. He told them that he would leave for the day and come back tomorrow to help with the arrangements for the wedding. 

Aryan didn't stay with them even though he lived in the same city. Mannat would always have reporters and people lingering, and after he started working he shifted from there. To an apartment, nearby. Well, neither did I stay with him; even though he asked me to shift in his pad a couple of times. I had my own little place near my office. But today it was late and I had decided to sleep over at his pad instead of asking him to drop me off at one end and return back. 

We decided to take a stroll on the seashore before leaving. The hotel where the event was organized, was near the sea. As we walked over the sand listening to the music formed by the waves, he took off his blazer and put it around me. It wasn't anything surprising, I had expected him to do that. 

I wore it and he again clasped my hand protectively and I walked towards the sea to play a little. I expressed to him while playing with the little waves, 

"Your brother had got a perfect match you see! They both work together, dream together, and will live together. Even today they were so busy discussing some client meeting. They would never get bored of each other" 

He smirked and said, " Working together or having the same dreams doesn't make a relationship perfect. It is when you neither work together nor dream the same stuff, yet respect each other's dreams and work and push each other to be better. It is not always about talking the same stuff rather it's about sharing silence and listening whenever needed. Isn't it Jaan?" 

I knew he was indicating what we had and how special it was! He wasn't wrong either. 

"So, how boring was my family? Rate from1-10," he asked.

"Honestly, they were normal and welcoming. Perhaps they have accepted me because they don't have a choice. " I tried not to sugarcoat it. 

He chuckled and hugged me from the back and pecked on my head numerous times while saying, " In love, there is no choice or option. And my love for you surpasses all boundaries. Although I know you would never go against your family. Thankfully they accepted me with open arms. " 

"It's true that I wouldn't have gone against them but I would not have agreed to move on as well. It is either you or no one", I gave him a sly smile. 

He hugged me tighter and looked towards the sea. I turned towards him and put my hands around him and gave him a peck on his lips. I knew he wouldn't stop with a peck but I didn't mind as he pulled me closer and kissed me till I was out of breath. 

Aryan Khan as a lover is patient and wild at the same time. He kept pecking my lips and cheeks for some time. We stayed like that for a while and then walked to the car. I insisted to him that he can rest and I will drive. I smiled while driving to his home as he rested his head on my shoulder peacefully. 

"Amrita Sharma, drive us safely, Jaan" Aryan said while dozing off. 

A soft chuckle left my mouth. I played with his fluffy hair a bit and then diverted my attention toward driving. 

Shall I make a part 2?

I finally have some break, although I'll be disappearing very soon. My exams are not fully over yet. 


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