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Me and Harry have arrived at the place where the interview will take place a few minutes ago, he has gone backstage to get ready for it and I have been talking to one of the interns here.

She's been showing me around and explaining why she wants to work here, I've found her quite nice since she was the only one who talked to me normally and not like I'm some kind of old lady.

This girl is like seventeen years old and already has her shit together, a person could dream. When I was seventeen I was crying over literally any small inconvenience and hoping for the best afterwards.

"And so this is why I never drink coffee from here, the machine is constantly breaking with me and they always blame me for it." She shakes her head in disapproval and I smile amusingly as she pats the machine, jumping slightly when it makes a weird noise.

"Maybe you shouldn't even touch it, it looks fragile." I laugh when she steps away from it, looking at me with worry over her features.

"I think it hates me, actually."

"Nola, I don't really think it could hate you but I feel like it's just about to break down," I tell her with a faint smile on my lips while watching her look at it with narrowed eyes.

"I feel you." She says to the machine, causing me to laugh as she grins over at me, frowning when someone walks towards us.

"Mr.Styles has requested for his assistant's presence." A man informs, looking between the two of us with confusion over his features and I nod.

"That would be me, thank you," I tell him, watching as he nods before scurrying away from us and I hear Nola take a deep breath, causing me to raise an eyebrow at her.

"You work for Mr.Styles?" She asks, almost shockingly, and I nod slowly with a faint smile over my lips.

"Why do you ask?" 

"Well, I really like everything his company does, you could say I'm a fan and if I ever suddenly become rich that's where I would spend my money." She says excitedly as we start walking away from where we were and I chuckle at her enthusiasm.

They had given Harry a room just for him so he could get ready and as soon as we got here he just walked right into it, only telling me that he needed to do a few things.

I knock on the door, looking at Nola amusingly as she looks around with an impressed look on her face before the door is opened rather quickly, Harry standing there with his tie loosened and a frown on his face while staring at us.

"You were going to get ready yet you don't look very presentable." I shake my head disapprovingly and he looks at me with fake seriousness, visibly trying not to smile.

"I see you're accompanied." He states while glancing at Nola, who extends her hand for him to shake, to which he does with raised eyebrows.

"I'm Nola, it's a pleasure to meet you Mr.Styles." She smiles at him and he merely nods his head with a faint smile on his lips while side glancing at me.

"Thank you, pleased to meet you as well." He says politely and her eyes nearly shine with joy as she smiles brightly at him before turning her head to look at me.

"It's better if I get going, I'll see you around?" She asks and I nod with a wide smile over my lips as she turns around and leaves while humming to herself happily.

Harry grabs my hand and pulls me inside the room, a smirk plastered over his lips as he closes the door behind us. "Evelyn."

"Yes?" I ask as he stands close to me, perhaps a little bit too close but his smirk never fades, only getting bigger as he runs a hand through his hair. I feel like he's up to something.

"I was wondering," He muses, leaning down so his face is right in front of mine and I raise my eyebrows, "I'm not certain if this tie is the most adequate one for me to use, can you give me your opinion?"

"I believe I'm not your stylist, Harry."

"I'm aware, but I do like to know your opinion." He hums and I roll my eyes while taking a look at his dark blue tie, the fabric of it looks different than usual and I frown at it.

I touch the loosened fabric around his neck and he visibly gulps, looking down at me with an intense stare as I conclude that this tie is made of silk.

"Well, it's different… I like it," I look up at him as he hums, leaning his head closer but I set a finger on his lips to stop him, "what do you think you're doing?"

"Kissing you? I thought it was pretty obvious." He laughs, setting his hands on my hips while glancing at me with amusement clear on his features.

"Oh, then you may proceed." I joke, feeling his lips on mine right after while he squeezes my hips softly before wrapping his arms around my waist.

I set my hands on his shoulders, attempting to bring him closer as I part my lips slightly, allowing his tongue to slip inside while he silently pushes me against the door that was behind me.

Warmth blossoms in my chest as he attempts to bring me closer, my heart doing backflips while I feel butterflies dancing in my stomach. I haven't felt this way in a long time and wanting or not to admit it, I had missed it.

His left hand wanders downwards, sliding over my thigh as I bring my hands to his hair, my breath hitching as he grabs the back of my thigh and pulls it up next to his hip, moaning against my lips as I tug on his hair.

"Mr.Styles," a knock on the door is heard but Harry doesn't pull away, biting my lower lip before roughly kissing me, "the interview will start in five minutes, we will be waiting for you."

I cup his jaw, pulling his face away from mine and he groans frustratingly while I laugh, trying to make his hair look more presentable before he grabs my hands and kisses each of them. "I'll do that quickly, I'll leave the room right after."

"Don't take too long, I know how easily distracted you get!" I raise my eyebrows as he walks away and towards a mirror, running his fingers through his curls before looking over at me with a smirk.

"This," He gestures to his hair, smiling at me with raised eyebrows, "is all your fault."

Quite of a filler chapter, sorry haha but I do hope you're enjoying it nonetheless!♡

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