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Fortunately, the presence of the paps outside didn't bother anyone throughout the day and when I could finally go back home, Harry decided to invade my office once again.

"Can I go over to your house?" He asks, stepping closer to me while I start getting ready to leave, his eyebrows furrowed and looking out the window with crossed arms.

"Sure, are you sleeping there or…?" I arch an eyebrow, turning my head to look at him after I had my jacket and he stares at me with a blank stare, raising his eyebrows before smirking.

"Is that an invitation?" He teases, reaching his hand out and grabbing my own to pull me closer as I roll my eyes with a shake of my head out of disapproval while he snickers.

"I just wanted to know, jerk." I scoff, pinching his nose playfully and he laughs before I push him away to grab my purse.

I link my arm with his, both of us walking out of my office while chatting quietly to not bring any attention. Usually, at this time of the day, there aren't many people walking through the hallways and the quietness of the late afternoon seems to consume the whole building.

We stop by the elevator, pressing the button and quietly waiting for the doors to open. "I'm telling you, if I had known what would happen I would have never gone on that trip with your friends."

"Calm down, it wasn't that bad." I roll my eyes at his dramatic behaviour, watching amusingly as his eyes widen before frowning.

"Calm down?! I woke up with my tattoos coloured and they did it with permanent markers!" He whisper-shouts, but as soon as I was about to reply someone coughs next to us and we freeze before turning our heads.

I furrow my eyebrows at the sight of Carter standing there and glare at him in hopes he'll spontaneously combust. Harry wraps his arm around my waist while simultaneously glaring at the man next to us before I let out a sigh.

The doors finally open and I mentally prepare myself for the suffocating silence that I'll have to deal with as soon as I step inside. After getting inside, Harry presses the button to the first floor and I rest my head on his shoulder.

To be honest, I thought this guy had been fired a long time ago because he just seemed to disappear for a while. As much as I enjoyed not having to see his face, I guess this moment had to happen at some point.

The lift stops suddenly and the doors open, and I quickly realize this isn't the first floor but grin once I see Zayn stepping inside and sending a glare at Carter.

"Eve!" He exclaims as soon as he sees me, sending a glance at Harry and grimacing in a way to tease him, succeeding in his task as Harry furrows his eyebrows while rolling his eyes.

"How are you?" I ask him as he pushes Harry away from me to stand between us, something he has been doing a lot lately for some reason but always seems to annoy Harry.

"Bored, fortunately, all of my hard work is going to be worth it." He grins, side glancing at Harry and raising his eyebrows when he scoffs before I laugh faintly at their interaction.

"Hard work? As if, all you do is have a face pretty enough to be photographed." Harry mumbles with his arms crossed and an annoyed look on his face.

"I wouldn't expect you to understand how having a pretty face is," Zayn grumbles as the doors open once again, this time on the floor we were expecting and we all step out of the elevator.

I catch Carter sending all of us a weird glance before walking away, but simply choose to ignore it. As long as he doesn't bother any of us everything is fine, as much as I dislike him there's no need to create problems.

I roll my eyes as Harry and Zayn keep bickering with one another, deciding to make my way towards Megan's desk with a smile as I see her getting ready to leave as well. She looks up and grins once she looks at me, arching an eyebrow as the two childish men follow me for some reason, still not shutting up.

"I needed to get away from them, but I guess they didn't understand that." I laugh once I'm in front of her, both of them freezing and Megan laughs at the interaction before Zayn scoffs with crossed arms.

"Tell your boyfriend to not piss me off then." He complains, causing Harry to send him a glare before wrapping an arm around my waist again and turning his head away from Zayn as if to avoid him.

"Children, can you be quiet? I want to leave this place in peace." Megan teases, both of them immediately beginning to speak loudly at the same time and I groan before pinching their arms.

Megan steps closer to us and motions to the exit of the building, all of us walking outside and I let out a breath once I'm finally out of there, resting my head on Harry's shoulder.

There is a fresh breeze this afternoon, but the days are getting surprisingly warmer nonetheless and so it isn't necessarily cold enough to wear a jacket.

"It was nice talking to you girls, but I must go," Megan smirks, laughing loudly once she gets a different reaction from them as Harry flips his imaginary long hair over his shoulder and Zayn sets a hand on his hip with a grin.

We say our farewells, parting ways as Harry and I stride towards our cars even though we'll go the same direction afterwards. "I can't believe Hazel will be nine months old in a couple of days," Harry says suddenly, smiling faintly before looking at me with raised eyebrows as I groan.

"Don't even remind me, she's growing up so fast." I nearly cry thinking about it, especially because that means she's closer to being one of those annoying toddlers and I will most likely have tons of breakdowns in front of her if it does happen.

"Yeah… one day she'll be all independent and stuff." He mutters as we reach my car, setting his hand on my shoulder before kissing my forehead and I grin at him before squeezing his cheek.

"I hope so, I want her to be one strong and independent woman someday." I shrug, getting inside my car and watching as he shakes his head with a smile before walking towards his car.

Me? Having a writer's block? Yeah.
I'm so sorry for the long wait, I was thinking of maybe making an Instagram account so we could interact a little more, but let me know what you think! Also sorry for the boring chapter, I felt like if I kept writing it would be even more boring.♡

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