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Harry and I arrive at work with our hands laced together, although I am not that happy with his actions from this morning. In short, Harry was too sad to leave Hazel at home with her babysitter and childishly decided to refuse to get ready for work.

He claimed that he would miss her too much, and time seemed to pass too fast as his implications didn't seem to stop, which caused us to be late to work.

Megan takes a glimpse at us and grins as I drag Harry along with me to talk to her. "You're both late, any explanation you want to give?" Megan arches an eyebrow as I send a glare at Harry, who snickers quietly to himself.

"It seems like Harry is a big baby and has separation anxiety," I mutter, pulling my hand away from his to cross my arms but he merely takes that as a chance to wrap his arm around my waist swiftly.

"It's only a few minutes, I don't think we lost anything important in the meantime." He furrows his eyebrows with a smile and Megan raises her own, shaking her head immediately.

"I beg to differ, the new photographer is here for the interview, she's currently waiting for you on the floor below yours." She informs us and Harry widens his eyes, thanking her and taking me with him towards the elevator.

I seem to freeze the moment the last words from Megan left her lips. The floor below ours? I don't have many good memories there, taking into account that it was where Carter attempted to hurt me.

Of course, it's in the past, but it still haunts me a little. I mean, that had never happened to me before and it wasn't the best experience ever, I try to not think about it as much as I can but it seems that now that we're headed to that place I'm a little apprehensive.

It's not like he's going to be there waiting for me like the psychopath he is... maybe. But it's weird walking in those hallways knowing that I went through something really bad there, and the last thing I want is to remember and reminisce on that.

The doors of the elevator open and we both step inside the empty lift. I wrap my arms around Harry's torso and look up at him as he seems a little surprised by my actions. "What is it, ma chérie?"

"A bit nervous," I mumble, pulling away from the temporary reassuring action. He seems a little confused, setting his index finger under my chin and softly lifting my face so that I look at him.

"Care to explain?" He smiles as I stare at him blankly, pressing my lips together and thinking about a way to clarify this to him.

"We're going to the floor where that happened," I whisper as if there was anyone else on the elevator and he tilts his head lightly while biting his bottom lip as if thinking hard.

"Where we fucked? We didn't do anything of the sort there though." He blurts out with furrowed eyebrows and I try not to laugh at the words, breathing in heavily before setting a hand on his shoulder.

"The other thing, Harry."

Suddenly, he gasps.

He wraps both of his arms around me just as the doors open. He sighs, pulling me out of the elevator with him and hugging me as soon as we step out. "I'm sorry, but it's okay now! All we have to do is give you good memories in this hallway, right?"

"I don't think that's something that easy," I furrow my eyebrows before shaking my head, "it's fine either way, it's just a hallway and nothing's gonna happen."

He looks at me longingly, leaning his head closer and pressing his lips against mine. I run my fingers through his curls and breathe out, feeling my muscles relax in the slightest.

For some moments it seems like it's just Harry and I existing in this whole building, my heart begins beating even faster than before when he deepens the kiss while one of his hands traces lines on my back smoothly.

Time stops completely for us. There's no photographer, no Carter, no job, absolutely nothing apart from me and Harry. It's cheesy to think like this but whenever we're together everything around me feels better.

I pull back from the kiss with raised eyebrows and he whines quietly, cupping my cheek with a hand before I shake my head at him. "Harry, the photographer is still waiting."

"Fuck, you're right!" He gasps with widened eyes and raised eyebrows, his hand latching onto mine and tugging me along with him down the hall with fast steps.

As we nearly run down the hall I realise that my rushing thoughts about what had happened here and my apprehension about this place have almost disappeared.

It's not like those cheesy moments where I can say that Harry's kiss made everything better because it has nothing to do with that. Harry's company always makes me feel better.

The kiss might have helped me forget about some stuff, but it was only temporarily. Being beside Harry in a situation where I do not feel comfortable is always reassuring.

That was cheesy, wasn't it?

I see a woman not too far away from us and the more we get closer to her the more I try to let go of Harry's hand but he just keeps holding mine. It's only when we're standing right in front of her that he fully lets go of my hand.

"Good evening Mrs. Jones, it's a pleasure to finally meet you." Harry extends his hand for her to shake and she immediately does before side glancing at me with a faint smile.

"Oh please, call me Claire," she laughs, cheerfully shaking his hand before shaking mine with the same smile as before, "you must be the model."

"No, that's Evelyn, she's my assistant." Harry laughs lightly and she arches an eyebrow at him before the realisation hits her.

"Oh! The lady from the pictures?" She asks, referring to the pictures that came out when we went to that event together and we both nod, "Heavens, you're even prettier in person."

"Thank you so much." I smile softly, feeling my cheeks heat up at the compliment before Harry chuckles lightly, setting his hand on my lower back as we begin walking back to the elevator.

They both talk to each other and I distract myself with the numbers on the various doors we walk by. I have a feeling that this photographer is here to stay because honestly, she's been the kindest and hasn't given anyone weird looks and it makes me feel so much better.

"Don't get me wrong Mr. Styles but your lady could easily become famous." She affirms suddenly, sending me a quick look when I widen my eyes before looking up at Harry, who is already staring at me.

"I know she could, maybe one day we could do a photoshoot as well." He smirks playfully and I give him a look, hearing Claire celebrate quietly.

"I just hope you're ready to tell that to Zayn, you know he'll get all jealous and whiny."

I think I'm becoming a little bit attached to this story...
I hope you're enjoying!♡

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