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It was harder than I thought to get through the doors of the building, I was pulled and pushed a big amount of times as we did so and the number of flashes made me start thinking that maybe I'll get blind by the end of the night.

Harry kept his arm around me a bit too protectively, glaring at many people in a short period of time before we finally got inside, where he cupped my face in his hands to make sure I was alright. 

The room where the event was taking place is already full of people, some chatting and some simply just enjoying themselves. I could hear some faint music in the background and the sound of people having fun and I smile once I realise all my hard work preparing this was worth it.

Harry wraps an arm around my waist, kissing my lips twice before pulling away with a pout. "I have to go, there are people who want to talk to me." He mutters against my lips while I touch his cheek with a smile before he kisses me once more.

"Good luck, mon chéri," I murmur against his lips, causing him to smirk before walking away from me with steady steps, looking at me from over his shoulder a few times before disappearing from my sight.

I look around the room before someone bumps into me, a smile forming on my lips once I realise it's Megan who did it purposefully. "Eve! I'm so happy to see you here!"

"Hey, Meg! I didn't think I'd see you here, I'm glad though." I smile at her as she brings the drink she is holding to her lips before grinning widely at me before grabbing my wrist.

She leads me away from the entrance of the room, bringing me to stand next to the table with a few snacks and drinks. "I've been trying to talk to people, but it's always so awkward."

"I'm sure it's not that bad." I laugh, grabbing something to eat as I talk to her before looking around the room to try to recognise someone.

Besides Carter, I don't see anyone else I might know, unfortunately. 

"Sure Evelyn, it's not like everyone here only talks about work." She says sarcastically, sending me a look as I shrug with a laugh before she fills me a cup with apple juice, "drink this, I bought it on the way here."

"Why did you buy– you know what, whatever." I snicker, bringing the cup to my lips while she fills her own with the same drink and I narrow my eyes.

"Do you know anything about… Niall? I haven't seen him ever since our conversation." I ask curiously, careful not to make her feel sad because of him. The last thing I'd want is to have another friend suffering about the end of a relationship.

"Not really, I haven't talked to him ever since," She shrugs and I smile lightly at her unbothered posture before taking another sip of my drink, "how's everything with you and Harry?

"Everything is good, tomorrow he's going to spend the day at my house to celebrate Hazel's monthday," I tell her with a grin, watching as she raises her eyebrows suggestively which causes me to tilt my head in confusion, "what?"

"You know, it's weird for me to see Harry as this loving man who spends time with family, I see him as almost a robot." She states with a laugh and I frown while shaking my head disapprovingly, finishing my drink before speaking.

"He's not a robot, he can be very sweet," I inform her with crossed arms while she only laughs at my statement, maybe a bit too loudly, causing some heads to turn to look at us and I feel my face getting hotter in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry but I just can't imagine that! Is he like 'greetings Evelyn, I must notify you that–"

"Actually he is a little bit like that sometimes." I interrupt her with a faint chuckle, only causing her to laugh once again and I shake my head before looking somewhere else to ignore some of the stares.

I immediately catch someone staring back at me, Harry's eyes meeting mine suddenly before he smirks and looks down with a shake of his head, some man talking to him while standing next to him.

I widen my eyes before turning my gaze to Megan, who frowns at my face before looking in the same direction I did before snickering at me. "He's looking at you, but at least he's not talking."

I cackle at her words, covering my mouth with my hand as she looks amusingly at me, both of us freezing when someone clears their throat next to us. We turn our heads only to see Harry staring at us with raised eyebrows and raised chin.

"Mind if I steal her for a moment?" 

Megan shakes her head, pushing me away from her with a laugh before filling her cup with more apple juice and sending me a wink.

Harry wraps an arm around my waist while looking down at me before sending Megan a weird look as she giggles and walks away from us. "Enjoying yourself?"

"I just got here." I tilt my head at his question with a raised eyebrow as he pulls me closer by my hips before grinning at me and taking my cup out of my hands.

He throws it out on the trashcan before wrapping both of his arms around my waist. "Well, you seemed to be having fun." He states, narrowing his eyes playfully before I set my hand on his chest, fixing his dress shirt while he stares at me attentively.

"I always have fun without you." I tease, watching as he raises his eyebrows with widened eyes, his lips parting before cupping my cheek with a smirk.

"You do know I can make you say otherwise, right?" He smirks as I scoff at him, turning my head to the side as I feel my face getting hotter for a second time tonight, but for a very different reason.

He turns my head to look at him and kisses my cheek lightly, too lightly. My heartbeat fastens as he does so, my hands moving to his shoulders but he takes a step back so there's a distance between us while he smirks. "Harry–"

"Unfortunately, I have to go. So many people to talk to, I'm sure you understand." He shrugs, a smirk still spread on his lips and I furrow my eyebrows before letting out a fake sigh.

"I do understand, I was hoping to meet you in your office since it's on the upper floor but since it won't be possible I guess it stays for some other time." I pat his shoulder, smiling when he widens his eyes before pulling me back into him by my arm.

"Meet me by the elevator in five minutes." He whispers in my ear, kissing the spot below before stepping away from me and walking away from me.

I stare at him as he walks away, hearing someone approaching me almost right after and I turn my head, raising my eyebrows as Megan walks towards me.

"I'm sensing that you're going to get laid." She snickers, causing me to widen my eyes before hiding my face in my hands out of embarrassment as she side glances at me with a knowing look.

"Leave me alone, we can't do anything at home, we have a baby!" I turn to point an accusing finger at her playfully and she raises her hands defensively with a shrug.

"I'm not judging, go and have fun." She wiggles her eyebrows just as I catch Harry leaving the room while sending me a look, causing me to stop thinking for a moment.

I wait a couple of minutes before patting Megan's shoulder and walking away, in the same direction as Harry did not long ago.

I take silent steps towards the elevator that was not too far away, looking around the hallway as the chatter and music from the area where the party is taking place can still be heard.

My eyes land on Harry as he stands close to the elevator and I clasp my hands behind my back before walking closer to him.

He looks at me as I walk, a smirk forming on his lips before pressing the button for the elevator.

It would have been so funny if I wrote smut on the 69th chapter... oh well, I hope you're enjoying!♡

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