Bloody School and Parker Peter

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Raiva woke up the next day to find Nat standing in her kitchen. "What's up, Rasputin?" Eddie looked at Raiva sternly and Venom connected with Nemesis mentally, subsequently connecting Eddie and Raiva.

*WHAT IS SHE DOING HERE?!* *Ed, chill. She and I met last night in the alleyway by the dumpsters. She gave me her card and everything.* 

*I promise you V, we are being safe.* *SAFE?! YOU CALL HAVING AN ASSASSIN AT OUR FRONT DOOR SAFE?!*

Raiva disconnected the link as she saw the time. "Sorry, Eddie, but you registered me for school, again. So if you don't want me to be late..." 

"I can drop you off. It's no big deal. Where is it?" 

"It's Midtown High."

Nat nodded and grabbed her keys out of her pocket. "I will bring her home safe, Mr. Brock and Co." She tapped the side of her head and Raiva had to hold in her laughter. 

"Alrighty Rasputin, we don't wanna bring out the big bad V." Raiva subtly ushered out the spy and closed the door behind them.

Once Nat dropped her off at the bloody school, she made her way to a biology class she had been invited to. She loved science - that's why she had an internship at Stark Industries, becoming the Bruce Banner's assistant.

She couldn't believe it when she got the offer, but he probably saw her credentials in the newspaper or something. Even though it was an internship, she loved being in the lab, as did Nemesis. The only downside to having a symbiote?

Having to eat for two. Every. Single. Meal.

But, Raiva wasn't particularly fond of letting the symbiote feast on her liver or one of her kidneys, so she did it anyway. She shook the thoughts from her head and shoved her headphones in whilst walking into class.

"Ah, Miss Brock, nice of you to join us. Peter, can you please raise your hand for Miss Brock to sit next to you?" 

"Raiva is just fine, Mrs. C." Raiva grabbed the worksheet off Mrs. Chelter's desk and walked over next to Peter.

"H-Hi. I'm Parker Peter. I mean, Peter Parker." 

"Hi. I think you already know who I am, thanks to Mrs. C." She zoned out of the class as she knew everything about the subject they were in - good ol' Heredity and Genetics.

She quickly scanned over the sheet and answered every question correctly, waiting for Mrs. C. to collect it from her. 

"Well done, Raiva. Peter, you would do well to stay next to Miss Brock for the semester." Peter nodded quickly and the bell rang clearly, slightly annoying Raiva and her symbiote.

Sounds between 4000 and 6000 hertz could kill the two of them, as well as fire. She quickly learnt that from Eddie when he told her about the Carlton Drake incident and how he almost lost Venom to Riot's fury.

The young teen admired his strength in not telling his girlfriend that Venom was back initially, but he eventually had to when he adopted Raiva. I mean, how else could he explain his actions other than telling her that their symbiotes were siblings?

"Miss Brock, the bell has gone. You may leave." 

Mrs. Chelter called from the front and she nodded, quickly slinging her light backpack over her shoulder and walking slowly out of the room. By the bustling of kids, she knew that it was lunch.

Her least favourite time, especially when she had to go through all the drama again. People wanted to talk to her about her internship, sophomore and junior jocks wanted to tease her as to why she would come back, until they became intimidated by the seniors she would have actually graduated with.

She smiled as she walked over to her best friend of six years, Chelsea. "Hey Chels!" 

She hugged her best friend and watched her boyfriend James kiss her briefly after their hug.

She quickly gagged which caused Chelsea to lightly punch her in the arm. "Just because you don't have a boyfriend or a girlfriend, doesn't mean that you can pick on mine."

"Eu contraire, Chels. It is my job to pick on him. I have to keep him in line." She pointed a finger at James and he backed off before the trio laughed it off. 

"So, Jimmy." Raiva took a bite of her leftover curry from the night before.

"When are you going to go on another date? Or, heaven forbid, propose?" Chelsea choked on her water which only made Raiva and James burst into laughter. 

"No, no. Not for a long time, Rai. But I do plan on staying with her until the end."

Raiva smiled sweetly at the two - they were the high school sweethearts, the cheerleader and the captain of the football team, but they were far from stereotypical. Chelsea played many other sports and was the only girl on the hockey team, whilst James was a disc jockey for birthday parties and was excellent in art.

After half an hour of chatting, Raiva said goodbye as she had a free period last and could leave for work. On her way out of the building, she saw the bundle of awkwardness that was 'Parker Peter' lifted a set of lockers with one hand and reached down to grab a bottle that read 'web fluid'.

*Holy crap, that's cool.* She carefully followed behind him and stood as she watched him pull out a mask and some wrist clasps before he filled it with the fluid. She saw that his eye holes had lenses and she couldn't help but chuckle at them when they moved.

He jumped and turned slowly, only for the lenses to open wide as he saw her. "Um... you didn't happen to see me beforehand, right?" 

"Oh no, of course not, 'Parker Peter'." She smiled as she saw the shock through his mask before she zipped her fingers over her lips.

"Thank you... so much." She nodded and watched him swing away. *You know, if he was older, he could get some of us.* *Gross, Nemmy! He's a twelvie. I'm not tapping a twelvie.* She shuddered at the mere thought and heard an engine rev behind her.

A/N: Sorry to all of you Parker simps, but I'm at least making him your friend. You don't like it, go read another story.

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