You Have My Heart

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Loud beeping was the first thing to annoy the woman as she sat up, recognising the sound as an EKG before she groaned heavily.

"Easy, easy, easy." Wanda cooed, cupping her cheeks softly as Raiva opened her eyes to see those brilliant green orbs she often joked to be like Christmas.

She could lose herself in them for hours and not even care that time passed, an excuse in the back of her mind to 'make up for everything that was lost'. Wanda's eyes flitted over her, checking over every cut, graze and burn before she sighed in relief.

"Hi, beautiful."

"Hi." Raiva croaked.

"How are you feeling?"

"Did we win?"

Wanda chuckled. "Yes, but that doesn't matter anymore. Everyone is okay. In fact, several people are waiting to see you."

"We cannot keep the people waiting." Raiva smirked, pulling her legs over to the side of the bed before she stood up weakly.

"I've got you, I've got you." Wanda's eyes glowed as her magic helped Raiva walk, replacing her hospital gown with a clean hoodie and sweatpants.

"How... How are the Autobots?"

Wanda didn't answer as she led Raiva through the hospital, not a worry from the doctor's as they exited through the front doors to see a mass of people. Some she knew, like the Avengers, but many were complete strangers.

"What is this?" She murmured, tucking herself closer into Wanda.

"This is your thank you, moya lyubov. You were the one who snapped your fingers, you were the one to lead the charge - you stopped Thanos." Wanda kissed her forehead, keeping her chuckle to herself as she knew Raiva was slightly stage fright.

"Do you wanna say anything? They're waiting."

Wanda gestured to the podium and helped Raiva walk towards it, standing closely next to her as she tried to think of something to say.

"Um... hi. For those of you who don't know me, my name is Raiva Brock. This time almost eleven years ago, I was a total nerd. I got a 1599 in my SATs, only missing out on one question because of a stupid typo. And then I met the Avengers."

She chuckled as she looked down at her hands, keeping her smirk to herself as she watched the cuts heal.

"I met... the most screwed up family in the world, and that's saying something. I was an orphan until the reporter Eddie Brock picked me up. I had nothing, no family, no home, no job. Now... I have it all, including my own family."

She turned to Wanda and flung out a small invisible web, twirling Wanda into her whilst both chuckled.

"What's up, New York? Meet my fiancé, Wanda Maximoff."


Raiva knelt down on one knee, smirking as she pulled off her combined engagement ring and held it in her hand.

"Wanda, you have been nothing short of a miracle for me. You've held me through dark times, you've celebrated in those that were light. You made me laugh, you made me cry; you made me sing, you made me dance; but most of all, you completed me. So... Wanda Marya Maximoff, will you do me the absolute pleasure in the entire universe... and marry me?"

The crowd waited with bated breath, cameras from every angle focusing in on her.

"Yes. A thousand times yes." Wanda muttered tearily before Raiva wore a Joker-like grin and swept Wanda into her arms, kissing her passionately as she lowered her back to the ground.

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