Leipzig-Halle Airport

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Wanda cradled Raiva's head as she slept, the antidote slowly working it's way through her body via blue-lit veins under her skin. Her face was distorted - no longer angelic as she slept as worry lines had begun to crease her forehead. Her eyes flickered around underneath her eyelids and Wanda placed a glowing hand on her forehead, calming the stressful nightmare into a dream.

The sliding door opened on the side of the van, revealing the inside of an airport hangar. Wanda looked up to see Cap and Sam standing outside, the sleeping man from earlier shaking Cap's hand for a bit too long.

Wanda didn't even care about their conversation, or how they were going to get out of here. The only thing she truly cared about was the person that lay in her arms.

Her mind wondered to all the what if-s of the past few weeks. What if she had paid attention, like Nat said? What if she saw what Vision was doing, the bruises on her back and stomach? Could she have stopped it before it happened?

At the mere thought of the marks, she lifted Raiva's shirt and gasped tearily. Her stomach was obliterated with bruising and cuts, a rainbow of blood underneath her marred skin. Wanda lightly brushed her fingers over the bruises and it startled Raiva awake.

"Hey, look who it is." Raiva smiled weakly and Wanda kissed her lip slightly, leaning in further when she felt the amazing electricity she missed run through her body.

"H-Hey, you k-know that th-thing called a-air?" Wanda pulled away and giggled softly at Raiva's quip.

"Oh screw it, I only need you." Raiva took Wanda's hand and gasped softly as she saw what was adorned on her fingers.

"It was my way of staying connected to you. I-I felt like I lost you. I couldn't feel you anymore, not like I used to." Raiva smiled softly and kissed each of her rings on her girlfriend's thin hands.

"Wanda, you could never lose me. And I can always feel you. You hear me? Always."

"Um, if you guys don't mind, we have to get to that jet." Steve slipped his suit on and kicked his shield into his arm, something Raiva was always amazed by.

"Not to be rude, but where in the world are we?" Bucky pointed at the sign on the side of the airport that read it's name and Raiva chuckled.

"Aw, hell yeah. I love Germany. Twice in a few years, right Cap?"

Bucky and Sam both chortled at the expletive whilst Steve sent her a warning look. "Suit up."


Nemesis engulfed her body but Raiva noticed she had a slight upgrade - she felt the armoury in her hands expand and she knew she was going to have some fun.

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier both looked at Cap with slight shock and glee respectively, to which he replied, "It's... complicated. But she's strong, so deal with it, Wilson."

"Oh, I'm dealing with it perfectly. But I don't know if the others will." He smirked and they all formed a plan.

A good plan, one that Raiva was thrilled to execute.


Raiva shifted back to herself and hobbled over whilst leaning on Steve, faking her chest injury that had healed by the time she woke up. Still, her old blood made the thin shirt stick to her chest with the yellow serum still on it showing slightly.

They tried to sneak onto the helicopter but an electro-disabler landed on the blade connector and short-circuited the transport. Tony and Rhodey both landed in their armour, with Raiva rolling her eyes.

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