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!This chapter contains sensitive topics. Please be careful and read at your own discretion.! 

She landed on the hood of the Corvette and leaned in through the window. 

"JARVIS, take me somewhere quiet." 

"As you wish, Miss Brock. Mr. Stark has asked me to wish you a happy birthday." 

"Thanks J." 

*Best birthday ever.* Nemesis stayed silent as she felt the overwhelming emotional pain her host was in, listening to her sarcasm covering up her sadness. 

All she could do was make sure that she didn't fall off the hood of the Corvette.

After a long drive, JARVIS announced they had arrived. The AI positioned the car so that it faced the ocean that lapped at the edge of the cliff, which also positioned Raiva to look out into the sunset. 

She pulled her knees up to her chest and just... watched. 

She watched the waves roll in until they disappeared from view. She watched whales breach and dolphins leap out of the water. She smiled softly before the warm feeling of happiness faded away. Each one had a pair, a mate, a partner. Something she longed for.

(A/N - recommend you listen to Walked Through Hell by Anson Seabra - listened to it whilst making this next part. Also, SENSITIVE TOPIC COMING UP.)

Someone to hold tight to her chest, someone to share her deepest and darkest secrets with. She just wanted someone who wouldn't judge her. 

She saw the love in Eddie's eyes when he spoke about Annie - the way he described her looks, his laugh when he talked about her lovable quirks, the way his eyes lit up from simply seeing her, even if she had just gotten out of bed. 

 She wanted to look at someone like that, but also wanted someone to look at her the same way.

She knew she was doomed to love, despite her wants. She could lose control of Nemesis in a split second, letting her emotions get the best of her and very easily kill someone. 

She didn't want to hurt anybody close to her, so she shut herself off. She pushed away Eddie for almost a year before she finally started to open up to him about her sexuality and what Riot/Carlton had done to her.

On Klyntar, their home planet, Riot and Nemesis were forced to marry. Venom despised it but it was tradition - he wasn't about to bring more shame to his family by protesting against tradition. But then, their leader found Earth and a plan was set. 

Venom, Riot and multiple other symbiotes were sent to perform reconnaissance, eventually coming back with transport for their dying species so that they could take over Earth. But Nemesis didn't want to leave her brother, so she snuck into a free pod and hitched a ride.

When they all crashed, Nemesis was in danger but quickly took over a paramedic host. She walked towards the orphanage that held a broken 11 year old Raiva and bonded with her permanently.

 Raiva was dying before she bonded with Nemesis - stomach and lung cancer didn't give much time for a young one like her to live a proper life. 

But with Nemesis... she could finally breathe, finally eat, finally... exist. She had freedom, a life. She finally had something to live for. She had a symbiote that literally brought her back from the brink of death.

But Riot took her happiness away a few years later, threatening to rid her of Nemesis if they didn't do what he asked. Riot had told her that she was his fiancé, and by Klyntarian law, he was in charge of her - her decisions, when she ate, when she didn't, what he could do to her. 

Once again, Raiva was being controlled, but by something far worse than death. When Carlton told her she couldn't blink, couldn't breathe without his confirmation, she became suicidal. 

With her newfound abilities, she tried multiple different methods. 

First try? Quick and easy, bullet in the mouth. But Nemesis just spat it back out. 

Second time? She tried cyanide poisoning. Slightly longer but it was still quicker than other ways. Nemesis just filtered it out of her system. 

After her second attempt, she thought, 'Third time's the charm, right?' She morphed her hand into a sword and tried to stab through her gut, but the liquid just absorbed into her body.

After exactly one year of those events, Raiva's mind had remembered every single detail so vividly that she felt as if it was yesterday. She looked down at her hands, tears falling down her cheeks. 

"How could anyone love a monster like me?" 

Nemesis had finally had enough. She emerged from the teen's back and she was, for a lack of a better term, sad-mad. 

"You are not a monster, Raiva! You are the most kind hearted, gentle human I have ever met or seen. You take care with your touch to others, scared to hurt them. Hell, you learned to be gentle by feeding the alley cats your leftovers and trying to pat them."

"You take time out of your day to make life easier for others. You make sure you are early wherever you go, just to not be an inconvenience for the other person. You could never hurt anyone and you deserve to be loved. It is I that is the monster in this situation."

By this point, Nemesis stood before Raiva with a single line of fluid connecting them together. Nemesis was as tall and muscular as Venom, as all Klyntarian symbiotes were built equally. 

Except for her beauty. Nemesis was easily the most beautiful symbiote. 

"I am okay with being the monster - I accepted my fate long ago, and I am at peace with it. I don't mind being the one to rip off someone's head, as long as you don't put the blame on yourself. Yes, we have a symbiotic relationship. But that does not mean we are the same person." 

She trudged up to her host and wrapped her liquid-like arms around her, slowly seeping back through her skin. *Let's go find Nat. She always knows what to do.* Raiva nodded mentally and pulled out her phone. 

-Where r u?- 

She waited a few moments and watched the three dots ripple before a message responded, simply giving her an address. 

"J, take me there." 

"Always, Miss Brock." 

The Corvette quickly pulled away and shot off onto the highway, with symbiote and host finally having that warm feeling for more than a few seconds. 

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