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"JARVIS, run a variation on the simulation and take down notes on the variation from this failed one." "Of course, Miss Brock." She needed to calm herself down and quickly. 

She grabbed her phone out as well as the card Nat gave her a couple of nights ago and quickly texted her.

-Hi. Is this Natasha Romanoff?-

She didn't have to wait long for a response.

-You think I would give you the wrong number?-

Raiva chuckled.

-I ain't feeling too good. You don't have to take me home, I'll get home with Nemesis somehow.-

She expected the Russian to become silent but she immediately texted back.

-I promised Eddie that I would bring you home. I would like to keep true to that promise.-

-Fine. I'll be back in my lab at 5:45. Be there or be square.-

She put her phone back in her pocket and sighed. *Wanna go for a climb?* *I thought you would never ask.*

Raiva quickly looked for an open window and grinned as it sat next to Bruce. 

She briefly whistled a tune before doing a flip out of the window, turning her body to see Bruce's head sticking out with panic painted all over.

Her cackle of laughter faded in the wind and she pulled Nemesis forward, the doctor sighing as he saw she would be fine. 

She stretched out an arm and latched onto a glass pane on the side of the building, swinging down first before shooting up and on top of the giant S.

She pulled Nemesis back in except for her thighs and back - the symbiote refused to let her fall. Raiva simply sat on the ledge of the S, dangling her legs over the edge and listening to her music play.

Whoever said music was the key to a person's soul was completely correct. Raiva didn't know how she would have turned out if she was born deaf or if music didn't exist. Would she have killed a lot more people than she already had done? Most definitely. Did music have power? For her, it had complete control of her.

Whenever she thought she was alone, walking down a path, she would dance to the music, hip-hop flowing through her veins. Her body could move like liquid, bending in ways not many others she knew could. She could manoeuvre each individual muscle, every fibre, as easily as water flowed down a river.

She saw a helicopter flying near her with a spotlight and she decided her time was up. She pulled Nemesis forward completely and they swung back through the window of the lab, landing softly on her two feet to see Nat standing by the door.

"You said 5:45." She held out Raiva's bag and the teen smiled, taking out her headphones and shoving them into her pocket. 

"At least you're not square." Nat tried to hide her signature smirk, but a playful nudge from Raiva caused it to break through. 

The two fell into a comfortable silence in the elevator, with Nat inserting a key and pressing the Ground Floor.

"It makes it go directly." Raiva 'ahh'-ed in response and the elevator went slightly faster. 

As they approached the ground, Raiva saw the four familiar males standing by a stunning Huracán that was a matte blue, hiding in the dark of the night. 

"What are they doing there?" Her voice turned cold and Nemesis rose to her hands, turning them to death-bringing claw machines.

"They want to apologize. Even Clint, who didn't speak a word to you." Nat put a reassuring hand on her shoulder, which calmed Raiva immediately. 

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