Secretary Pendejo

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Raiva sat calmly in her shared room, listening carefully as the water turned on in the shower. She heard Wanda's rapid heartbeat decreasing very slowly, her breathing short and sharp. She heard a slight sliding sound as Wanda slid down the shower door, soft sniffles echoing into Raiva's ears.

She briefly knocked on the door before entering, seeing her small girlfriend crying on the floor of the shower. She didn't even bother with her clothes - she stepped in and sat next to her, an arm slung around her small shoulders and pulling her head into her chest.

"Raiva..." Wanda tried to pull away, but Raiva held her tightly.

"Nuh-uh. You think it's your fault, you're going over every what if that could have been, you think you're a monster for leaving them to suffer. It's not your fault, I was the one who heard the pin drop. I could have alerted Steve to it and he could have neutralized it earlier, but we didn't. In this line of work, you make mistakes, but we are human... mostly. You can't go around blaming yourself for things out of your control."

"Since w-when could you read minds?"

"I can only read yours, Wands. It's like... I can feel you, feel where you are, how you are feeling. I just feel you. It also helps to be empathic when you're in a relationship."

Wanda chuckled lightly and brushed away her tears, only realizing what was happening around her.

"Rai, you're getting soaked!" Wanda slipped off Raiva's soaking clothes with her magic, marvelling at her girlfriend's restored six pack and chiselled back muscles.

She hadn't realized how badly Raiva needed her symbiote, both mentally and physically. Her eyes had returned to normal, with their cunning glint shining into Wanda's eyes. Her cheeks were soft and rosy, her skin no longer marred and her tattoo completely healed.

"Take a picture, babe. It'll last longer." Raiva chuckled whilst grabbing two towels and turning off the water. She threw one to Wanda and she caught it before it hit her face, a light chuckle escaping her.

"Come on. I can hear Steve marching to our door. We need clothes on before that."

In a flash of indigo, both of them had clothes on and Wanda tackled Raiva onto the bed. She let out a heartily laugh, becoming interrupted by Steve's knock at the door.

"Come in, Stevie. We are decent."

The soldier rolled his eyes as he entered, smiling softly at the two of them as they moved into a more comfortable position for both of them, with Raiva clutching Wanda by the front of her hips and pulling her close.

"Are you two okay? I mean, even I'm not okay after that debacle with Rumlow."

"Steve, it's okay." Raiva reached out a comforting hand to him and he took it.

"I, unfortunately, know that nobody could have escaped from Rumlow without being hurt. His intention was to kill and we all know how skilled he is with him being an ex-STRIKE agent and all." Steve smiled softly before Raiva's head perked up and the red toaster shifted through the door.

"Vis, we talked about this." Wanda scolded and Raiva turned her head away.

"The door was open, I thought... Never mind. Mr. Stark would like the three of you to come downstairs - we have a guest." Vision retreated to the open door before Steve called out.

"Who's here?"

"The Secretary of State. Great - more government officials." Raiva growled, her sarcasm showing as she felt Vision's emotions at the sight of her and Wanda.

"Indeed, Ms. Brock. Now, if you may all come down now." Vision faded through the bottom of the floor and Raiva slowly rolled out of the bed, Wanda trying to keep her down.

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