Time for a Nap

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Wanda stood there, feeling the symbiote inside of her squirming around. Her vision finally focused as she saw Raiva's small feet exit the window. Cries and shouts came from behind her, but she couldn't hear them.

A whoosh of air came past her as Kara flew through the window, trying to not smash it but doing so anyways as she left a sonic boom behind her.

The Super saw her girlfriend's baby sister falling limply to the ground, like a heavy weight in water. She urged herself to get closer, but she slowly realised she wouldn't make it - she wouldn't save her without repercussions.

And still, she zoomed down faster. Thankfully, Raiva's body turned and her feet pointed at the floor. Kara heard the loud cracks travel up her legs but caught her just before they could travel up to her head. She immediately flew back up and through the window, blood flowing down the teenager's legs.

"Wanda, you have to give Nemesis back." The witch trudged up to her unconscious girlfriend and kissed her just as hard as before, but Nemesis wouldn't budge.

"Come on, you stubborn woman! Accept your symbiote!" She clutched her right hand and put it to her face, the smooth skin feeling warm on her.

"See? You're my portable heater. I can't lose you, not now. Not after I lost my home, because I found one in you. Please, for the love of God, take her!"

But nothing happened.

Tears and angry shouts came from the different teams, the shouts mainly coming from Oliver and Brainy. They didn't know how to help - one had shut off his emotions a long time ago and the other was a 12th-level intellect who wasn't supposed to feel.

Kara and Lena held each other, the Super holding up her girlfriend as she had just come to terms of watching her baby sister try to kill herself. Felicity was trying to stop Ollie from breaking anything, but she couldn't.

Wanda simply held her girlfriend, trying to heal her broken bones with her magic but they wouldn't. Bruce eventually carried her to her lab and began to operate on her, slowly healing her stitch by stitch.

Sara slapped Laurel in the face, screaming at her for her insolence. She screamed about how she dared to set off her little niece. Except Laurel... wasn't Laurel.

A glimmer came over her eyes, silver in colour. Her head tilted to the side unnaturally and smiled with teeth like Venom's only longer.

"Laurel, what the hell are you doing? Cut it out."

"I'm sorry, dear. But Laurel is not here." She looked up at Eddie and he roared, pulling Venom to the surface.

"Riot. How did you survive the explosion?"

"A symbiote has his ways. For example, feeding on the fish in the sea as a microscopic cell before growing into a better version of myself. Isn't life amazing when you're supposed to marry the strongest symbiote? Now, it's time for a nap, Venom."

Laurel's arm became engulfed with Riot and a long sword came out, a menacing grin on her face as he came to the surface. Eddie attacked him and they crashed through the glass, falling down to the ground.

"Raiva!" Kara called but nothing.

"Raiva! Wanda! We need Nemesis!" Kara grabbed Lena and Nat and they flew up to her room, seeing a limp Raiva next to Wanda's crying body.

"She won't wake up. She won't take Nemesis and now she won't wake up."

The trio of women debated with each other silently before making a possibly deadly decision.

"Nemesis, we need you. Take me." Kara placed her hand on Wanda's back and Nemesis slowly squelched out and absorbed into her Kryptonian skin.

"You two stay with her." Kara kissed Lena's forehead and flew out. She landed on the hard concrete next to Eddie inside Venom and he revealed his face.

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