Five Years Later

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"Alrighty, Bumblebee, let's see if this works." Raiva spoke from the inside of the car and she forcefully didn't put her hands on the wheel.

"Okay. Turn the engine on."

Bumblebee complied and the engine of the beautifully modified Chevrolet, if it could even be called that anymore, roared to life.

"Ah! Haha ha ha ha! It works! Oh, Bumblebee, you're the best!" Raiva kissed the steering wheel and heard the radio crackle in a purr.

"Alright, I'm going to find Nat and you are going to stay here so I can bring her and show you off, big guy."

As Raiva walked the halls trying to find Natasha, she heard chatter from a few voices she had not heard in a long time.

"It was an infectious garbage scowl."


"So, thanks for the hot tip."


"Well, you were closer."


She followed their echoes into the meeting room, seeing a whole bunch of holographic projections in front of Nat. Her hair had now grown to just below her shoulders, her blonde locks now only the tip of her fiery natural red.

"You get a reading on those tremors?" The Widow spoke, not noticing the young woman walk in from behind her.

"Nat, it's an earthquake under the ocean. We handle it by not handling it." Okoye responded, her eyes briefly darting to Raiva but it was enough for the Widow to turn around and see her finally.

The conversation quickly ended, which only made Raiva tear up.

"I wanted to say hi to them." She sniffled.

"It's okay, monkey." Nat cooed as she hugged Raiva.

"What are you doing out of the lab so early?"

"Oh, right! I'm done! My little project is done!"

Raiva raced back out of the compound and Nat smiled to herself, shaking her head as she followed behind her. She opened the door to the modified garage and her jaw fell to the floor.

"Guys, this is Natasha!"

Six Autobots stood in the garage - Optimus Prime, Ratchet, Brawn, Wheeljack, Cliffjumper, and Bumblebee. They all waved slightly at Nat, Raiva's hand cupping her chin back closed, and she looked down at the tiny genius.

"You guys can go chill out if you want to." She grinned at them and they all slumped down and began to talk to one another.

"You built six Autobots? In five years?"

"And I taught them their fighting styles too. Watch." Raiva smirked.

"Hey Bumblebee! Catch!"

She threw him a big wrench and he grabbed it easily between his fingers, a whirring grin on his face as he looked at it and continued to chat to the others.


"You do know you've technically just broken the Sokovia Accords six times, right?" Nat murmured next to her.

"Eh." Raiva yawned.

"Come on - it's lunch time for you, missy."

Nat led her into the kitchen where she made three PB&J sandwiches, one for Raiva, one for Stella and one for herself. She sat with Raiva until the childish woman fell asleep in her chair, mostly because the Widow had asked Stella to make her sleep.

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