Witchy Sh*t

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In the Lab

Wanda's magic was in a flurry around her, papers flying everywhere along with the dust that had begun to form in her girlfriend's lab. She sat in her new suit, the smell of Raiva's minty scent reminding her of the limp body that lay in a bed a few levels up.

She heard a knock on the door and unlocked it, pulling her magic back in and looking up to see Nat's tear-stained face. 

"We need you. It's Rai." 

Immediately, the witch shot to her feet and scrambled to the room, pushing people aside with her magic.

Lena rested next to Raiva, holding her hand softly before explaining the situation to Wanda without taking her eyes off her baby sister. The witch nodded and replaced Lena's hands with her own.

"Raivina... come back to me. Please." Lena pleaded.

*I love you.* Wanda whispered as she wove into her mind.

She opened her eyes to see the form of Riot circling Raiva who was scrambling around on the ground, smiling wickedly. Neither noticed her, so she moved closer. A small stem came from Riot which was connected to Raiva's head, in turn playing the images for Wanda.

She saw herself dying, calling out for Raiva's help. However, no matter how far Raiva moved or thought she moved, she couldn't get to the image of Wanda in time to save her.

Over and over again, Wanda saw herself being killed in gruesome ways - slicing through her throat, ripping her mouth open and shrieks leaving her image, pulling out her intestines, all for Raiva to see.

Riot's head finally popped up and grinned his animalistic teeth at her. "Have you decided to join the party?" 

"No, I'm a gate crasher. Get out of her head." Her hands glowed scarlet and she attacked Riot, whilst on the outside her body was still and her hands shimmered the same hue.

"How DARE you?! She needs to pay for her crimes!" He pointed at a cage in the corner of the black room, hearing a soft squelching. 

"Nemesis!" She ran over but was smacked away by Riot's bludgeon.

Wanda wiped her cut lip and growled humanely, although it sounded incredibly sexy on her compared to Banner. She grunted and multiple copies of her spread out, distracting Riot and allowing her to get to work.

They all attacked him and turned to dust as he swatted at them, giving Wanda enough of an opening to roll over to Nemesis' cage and free her. The symbiote went and attacked her ex-fiancé, allowing Wanda to sprint over to Raiva and try to detach Riot's connection to her.

She pulled at the stem, tried cutting through it with her magic, but it wouldn't budge. Instead, she moved herself into the image, standing a few metres away from a dying version of herself. 

"Raiva, baby, it's me. I'm okay."

A crippled Raiva sat only 20 metres away from her, not trying to move for she knew if she did that the possibility before her could vanish. 

"No, it's not. It's a mirage - you aren't really there." "Raiva, baby, help me. She's an imposter." The dying form croaked out and Raiva moved slowly, barely moving in Wanda's view.

"Raiva, you know me. It's Wands, it's bubs, it's witchy. Please, snap out of this." Wanda stretched out a thread of magic to her, but an invisible barrier surrounded her, barricading her off from her love.

"H-How do I know that it's you?" 

"You don't, my love. She's a liar, a mirage. You said it yourself." 

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