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A sudden gasp made Sara fall backwards over her chair, swearing under her breath as she stood. Her blond hair flicked out of the way as she saw a concerned look on her patient's face.

"W-What? Why am I on the Waverider?" Raiva muttered, trying to stand but immediately grabbing her side.

"How are you...?" Sara stared at her niece, questions running through her head.

"Sara! Oh thank fuck!" Raiva sighed, placing her hands over her face and laughing softly before clutching her stomach in pain.

She lifted the shirt and her face fell as she remembered her time from the Raft.

The horrible spiked waistband, seeing the circles of blood bleeding through the bandages. She realised she was changed from her jumpsuit into a simple oversized shirt and flowing pants.

"Uh, Sara?"

"Y-Yeah. What's up, kiddo?"

"Can you...?"

"Oh yeah. Of course." Sara moved to the side of the bed and helped her to her feet, iridescent goo becoming enveloped around her legs and stabilising her.


*Who else, dumbass?*

Raiva squealed in joy before slapping her hand over her mouth. Sara chuckled lightly but was mainly concerned as Raiva casually strolled out towards the main room.

"Raiva?" Ray walked closer, pinching his arm and wincing.

"Uh, why did you do that?"

"People normally do that when they think they are dreaming." Ray muttered, looking her up and down and seeing Nemesis gurgling at her feet.

"Yeah, I'm not dumb. Why on Earth do you think you are dreaming?"

"Because you died." Sara cut Ray off before he could speak. Raiva turned, her laughter growing until she almost couldn't stand.

"Holy shit, you're serious." She suddenly stopped.

"I wouldn't joke about your death, Raivina." Sara spoke sternly.

"When are we?" Raiva asked, turning to Justin's centre console but Sara shook her head to the figure.

"Raiva... before we go back, you have to know that a few things have changed."

"What, like February 22nd of 2017 to March 1st?" Raiva joked.

"More like February 2017 to September 2018." Nate chuckled wryly, Raiva turning her head to look at the steel man.

"So you're saying I missed out on over a year and a half of my life?!" She scrambled to her chair and strapped in, the others following slowly.

Once they arrived back in the present, Raiva immediately ran to the hull ramp and leapt out of it, landing on the tarmac of the Headquarters.

She looked up and saw her redhead aunt standing in her favourite spot, immediately slinging up and leaping through the window.

"Nat!" She sobbed, hugging her stiff aunt.

"Go away, Rai." Nat murmured, pushing her off of her. "I don't have time for this."

Raiva's heart cracked.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me, you stupid memory! You're dead, you're not really here! God, no wonder Tony wants me on meds." She growled, clutching her head in frustration.

"Can a memory do this?" She morphed her hand and scratched the tiles on the floor, etching her name into it.

Nat looked up for a moment, confusion in her eyes before Raiva took a step forward, unveiling her bandage that was now soaked in blood.

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