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Over the next few days, Nemesis was getting even more antsy - she would snap in small bouts and shoot out in the form of Raiva's supplement arm. It was getting harder and harder for her to control herself, which Wanda became subconsciously threatened about. 

Her magic would flare up whenever Nemesis would, often trying to subdue her by putting her in the same crouched position she had done after Raiva was attacked. Tony made the executive decision to put Vision and Wanda into hiding, sending them to Edinburgh whilst the rest of the team tried to keep Raiva as calm as possible. 

Nat walked into the host's room and saw her sleeping on the floorboards, a small pool of blood collecting from a drip at her bandage. She sighed and looked at the time on her bedside clock that sat miles from Raiva - 8:30am. 

"Come on, Rai." She carefully shook the teen awake and she jolted up, her breathing heavy as she tried to grasp as much air as possible. 

"You okay?" Nat rested her hand on her thigh and Raiva flinched. 

"Yeah, yeah. I'll be fine." She stood and walked into the bathroom, her heart aching slightly as she couldn't hear the heartbeat in the room across the hall. She slowly flicked out a blade of her hand and slice through the bandages, pooling at her feet whilst her skin remained clear.

"You've healed." Nat was shocked, her hand hovering over the solid circles of scarred skin and asking for permission. 

"Granted." The Widow pressed her cold hands over each circle, not believing her eyes but definitely her touch. 

"You're fine."

"Yup. I'm perfect now." Raiva sighed, walking back to her closet and picking out a large hoodie, sweats and a thick-strapped black bra, brushing the dried flakes of blood off her stomach and slipping the items on. 

She trudged down to the kitchen and grabbed a tin full of curry and chucking it in the microwave, her symbiote gurgling under her skin as it awaited the delicacy. 

"Raiva, suit up." Nat strode in, her cropped blonde hair sitting in a straight bob. 

"But my curry-" 

"You can eat it in the jet. Now." She grumbled and took her semi-warm curry out of the microwave and held it to her chest, slapping her small feet on the tiles as she ran behind Nat. 


Raiva didn't even care about their mission. She didn't care about the green, gold and red microwave that had was in the grasp of an equally ugly humanoid, nor did she care about the quip her love spoke to it. 

"Hands off." 

"Raiva, help her!" Nat growled. She tried to move to begrudgingly help her but Nemesis held her back and stuck her to the wall. 

"Nemesis, now is not the time for silly buggers!"

*She's not our problem anymore. You said that yourself.*

"No! Don't you twist my words! I said she's moved on, I said we can't have her!" Raiva wrenched her left arm free from the wall. 

"I did not say we couldn't help her!" 

*You implied it.*

"Will you stop being a smartass?!" Raiva roared, seeing Wanda fly up to them before they were blasted away and smash into an empty train station. 

"Raiva, go!" 

"Nemesis won't let me!" She whined, trying to pull the rest of her free but the symbiote wouldn't budge. 

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