He's Practically A Ken Doll

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"How is everybody back at the HQ?" Raiva chuckled as she watched Stella play with a small puzzle box.

"Everybody's doing great. Tony would prefer you are there too, since you both have similar minds." Nat smirked before it fell at Raiva's bouncing leg.

"Nat... I don't think he wants to come."

The Widow lowered her head and put the jet onto autopilot before turning to Raiva, noticing how her head was down and her eyes were unfocused. She waited a few more seconds before they came back and she moved to hold Raiva by her boots.

"I don't care if he doesn't want to come. Just like Thor, he will."

She pulled the younger woman into her arms and held her there, running her fingers through her hair.

"He'll want to see her." Raiva whispered.

"He knows she's gone. That's one of the reasons he's doing this." Nat murmured as she pulled out her phone, opening the text chain that was filled with emotional, cap-locked messages about 'losing the kid'.

"What if we can't stop him?" Raiva whispered.

"We will."

"Ms Romanoff, Ms Brock, you have arrived at your destination." FRIDAY announced as the jet lowered, the dark rainy night of Tokyo setting in as they trotted down the fire escape.

Well, Nat did. Raiva kinda just... hung and let go every few seconds.

As they met at the ground, Raiva stood underneath Nat's umbrella whilst they observed the fight between the Ronin and the Yakuza member, the younger woman turning away as the fatal blow was delivered.

Slowly, she turned back and withheld Stella from consuming all of the bodies around her, even going as far as absorbing her symbiote arm back into her body.

"You shouldn't be here." Clint kept his trembling voice as controlled as possible, but he knew that Raiva could tell.

"Neither should you." Nat replied.

He turned to both of them, the pain in his heart only growing as he saw how Raiva leaned on Nat, and looked back down at his blood-running katana.

"I've got a job to do."

"Is that what you're calling this?" The Widow scoffed.

"Killing all these people isn't going to bring your family back."

When he didn't respond, Nat clasped her hand around Raiva's and pulled her with as she walked towards Clint.

"We found something." They said in unison.

"A chance, maybe." Nat added.

"No, not maybe - this is a real shot." Raiva clarified.

"Don't." Clint muttered, tired in every aspect.

"Don't what?" Nat dared.

"Don't give me hope."

"I'm sorry I couldn't give it to you sooner." She sighed and Raiva smelt the tears pricking at her eyes.

"Clint... please. I can't do this without you there." The younger woman murmured as she stepped out into the rain and one-arm hugged the man she considered her uncle.

"Are you sure you want me there?" Clint shuddered out a breath as he wrapped one arm around Raiva.

"We both know she's going to want to say hi."

Clint chuckled softly as he kissed her forehead, his other hand occupied by Nat. He stood there and let go of the Widow's hand, watching intently as she signed.

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