Say It Back

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Wanda didn't sleep for the next few days. She stayed up all night trying to get into Raiva's room, which only tired her more so. Sometimes, like now, her Super-family would come in through the window and have a game or two of Monopoly or Cluedo to pass the time.

The witch could almost always smell food coming from the room, wafting through the cracks of the doors made by the wedges of wood. Scents of Thai phanaeng, Chinese takeaway, Korean barbecue and tacos hit her nose, which only made her hungry.

She walked down to the kitchen and saw Tony and Steve arguing over the Accords, ignoring the both of them and making her way to the many fridges and the enormous cupboard. She scanned the shelves, but nothing was going to satisfy her as much as the one thing in the room across hers.

To push the thought from her mind, she pulled out ingredients from the cupboard with her magic and began to bake. She was a stress baker, and she wasn't afraid to show it.

Whilst she baked, Pietro would speed in and grab a few of the cooling cookies or muffins that sat in their trays. He would laugh heartily before speeding back to his room, only to play Call of Duty, something he had found quite entertaining.

The room above became quiet and a few sonic booms rattled the windows. Wanda watched as the Superfriends involving a Kryptonian, Luthor, female Martian and Legion-powered Danvers flew away with incredible speed, whooping and doing tricks in the air.

The witch immediately recognized the small footsteps making their way down the stairs, trying to hold back the urge to run and jump into her arms. Raiva turned the corner and made brief eye contact with Wanda before turning away and halting the yelling between Tony and Steve.

"Will you shut it? Honestly, I work with children." Raiva's tease made Nat's lips turn upwards, but both men grimaced at her.

"Leave, Tiny."

"Raiva, stay out of this."

"Oh? And what are Tin Can and Capsicle going to do about it?"

"Shut up, Raiva. The adults are talking."

Raiva was slightly shocked at Tony's remark, but what little emotion she showed was immediately shoved away as she walked to the couch, attempting to grab a cookie from the open tray.

A red wisp wrapped around her wrist and pushed her hand away, accidentally snapping her wrist before it popped back into place. Wanda gasped slightly and immediately reached out her hand to comfort the injury. But Raiva glared before leaving without a cookie and plopping onto the couch with a soft puff.

She turned on the TV and saw the news playing a report on a convention in Vienna - one that involved a recent photo of her and the witch.

"The real question one everyone's mind, Jefferson, is will the Scarlet Witch and her girlfriend be signing the Accords?"

Raiva quickly flicked the channel away and felt Wanda's eyes boring into the back of her head. She rolled her eyes but quickly stopped as she felt an icky aura enter the room.

"Wanda, I believe you have created a wonderful explosion of deliciousness." 


Raiva immediately stiffened and looked up, Vision's hand resting on her shoulder. Nat's phone vibrated with an incoming reply from the quick 911 to the Super-Aunt, who landed on the balcony of the HQ with a certain someone.

"Vision, step the fuck away from my sister." Lena blasted him and he feigned pain, grabbing his arm dramatically and Wanda raced to his side.

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