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Kara landed roughly on the roof of the Raft, the clang of the metal alerting the entire population that sat within the prison. Alarms rang as agents ran to the roof, trying to deter the Kryptonian but nothing worked.

Her eyes glowed a hot red and released a furious heat wave through the agents, melting the skin of their palms that touched their weapons. Alex summoned knife after knife, throwing with deadly precision into the heads of the agents.

After making sure the coast was clear, Kara confirmed to Ollie and his team, all of them sliding down using ropes or tangles of Nia's power. Once they landed, Kara and Barry spread down through the levels, their needing to pop their ears the further down they went.

Whilst in the Waverider, J'onn and M'gann were muttering an incantation in sync, their Martian connection strengthening their power. A red wave expelled from them before it collected back into a red ball.

"Kara, Alex, we're coming down!" J'onn yelled over the comms, both Martians phasing through the Waverider and down towards the fight.

"Yeah, could you hurry it up a bit?" Alex grunted as she slammed the hilt of her gun into an agent's face, with Thea and Diggle behind her. A red arrow shot it's way past her head as an agent turned the corner and Spartan turned.

"Thea, what the hell?"

"What? I could hear his boots."

"What if it was Oliver?"

"I'm right behind you, John." Oliver smirked, arming another arrow as the four walked down the now silent halls.

"Kara, this level's clear. Have you found her yet?"

Kara was getting tired, both her and Barry sure they had searched the entire prison at least twice.

"Wait a minute. Of course!" Kara smacked her palm into her head.

"Alex, remember what happened when we played in the pool with Raiva? The first time we bonded?"

"Why on Earth are you bringing up Mar- actually, that might work."

Barry, count us in." She spoke over the comms, awaiting Barry's signal.

"Three... two... one."

"MARCO!!" The two women's playful cry echoed throughout the Raft, Kara immediately telling them to be quiet and focusing her hearing.

Somewhere, down further and hidden behind a wall, she heard the faint croak of a reply.

"Polo..." Raiva groaned, Jack trying to keep her awake.

"What did you just say?" The pirate's confusion silenced his crewmates, all carefully listening in.

"P-Polo..." She groaned, clutching her side as more blood spilled forth from the injecting spikes.

A red ball appeared in front of Kara, floating away at speed whilst J'onn and M'gann soared past.

"Follow that ball!" He ordered, punching through the agents that appeared from around corners or from open doors. 

"Screw the ball, I'M COMING RAIVA!" Kara and Barry sped along, with Barry throwing bouts of lightning and Kara shooting hot lasers.

The ball stopped once and flickered before continuing, moving even faster.

"Come on! She's not going to make it if we don't move faster!" Barry followed the order and sped ahead, pulling Kara with him. The ball stopped in front of a large metal plate, something neither hero had noticed beforehand.

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